Page numbers followed by the letter t denotes a table.
ABBYY Business Card Reader, 53, 65
Academic societies, 5, 75
Accelerated programs, 13
Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE)
on diversity, 83–84
on residency matching, 130–131
in CV, 23
for residencies, 14
Advanced pharmacy practice experiences (APPEs), 9–13
CV and, 21, 23–24, 26
interviews and, 70–71
Match Day and, 139
MUE in, 26
PhORCAS and, 33
portfolios and, 27
presentations in, 26, 117
at Residency Showcase, 50
for screening interviews, 103
after successful matching, 151, 152, 153–154
virtual interviews and, 98, 99t
Affordable Care Act, 7
Algorithm, for matching, 139, 141
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP),
DEI in, 89t, 96
on generational diversity, 85
mock interviews of, 73
American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP)
DEI in, 89t, 96
Fellowship Review Committee of, 15
Guidelines for Clinical Research Fellowship Training Programs, 18
mock interviews of, 73
PRN of, 88
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 77
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP),65; See also Midyear Clinical Meeting
CareerPharm of, 58, 65
DEI in, 89t, 96
on diversity, 84
Match Day and, 144
mock interviews of, 73
non-accredited residencies of, 14–16
PhORCAS and, 16
RMP of, 129
Annals of Pharmacotherapy, 77
Applicant group interviews, 113
Authorization to Test (ATT), 155
at ASHP MCM, 53–54, 153
in interviews, 117
Black Lives Matter, 88
Blockchain, 7
BlueJeans Meetings, 101
Board certification, 15
Board of Pharmacy Specialties, 15, 18
Breakout rooms, for videoconferencing, 101
Burnout, 165–169
prevention and management of, 170–171
Business cards, at ASHP MCM, 52–53
Calm app, 169t, 178
CareerPharm, 58
Car insurance, 159
Cash reserve, 158, 162
Citing Medicine (National Library of Medicine), 77, 81
Clinical cases
with interviews, 115–116
with virtual interviews, 104
Confidence, in interviews, 73–74
Contingency plans, after matching, 156, 161–162
Continuing education (CE)
APPEs and, 12, 13
DEI and, 90
COVID-19 pandemic
ASHP MCM and, 58
DEI in, 88
virtual interviews in, 97
Cultural awareness, 88
Cultural competency, 87–88
Cultural diversity, 87–88
Cultural humility, 88
Curriculum vitae (CV)
acronyms in, 23
in application, 69
at ASHP MCM, 52
business cards and, 53
development of, 2t, 7, 19–27
in email to RPD, 43
expansion of, 146
font for, 21–22
honors and awards on, 24
for interviews, 72, 110t
leadership on, 25
length of, 20–21
LinkedIn and, 8
for matching, 146
name and contact information on, 22–23
organization tips forb, 22–27
on PhORCAS, 35
for PPS, 58, 59, 60
presentations on, 25–26
publications on, 26
research projects on, 6
for screening interviews, 103
stylistic tips for, 20–22
teaching and mentoring on, 25
unpublished research or projects on, 26–27
updating of, 3t, 72
for virtual interviews, 97
volunteerism on, 91
work experience on, 24
Dean’s Award, 24
Depression, 165–167
Difficult situations, 172–176
documentation of events in, 173–176
prevention of, 176
Disease states, 78
Disney, Walt, 180
cultural, 87–88
defined, 83
gender and sexual, 85–87
generational, 85
geographical and regional, 84–85
in residencies, 83–94
Diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), 88–90, 89t
APPEs and, 10
attachments in, 42
for contact information on CV, 22
for contacting RPD, 41–46
follow-up, 44
no response, 44
personalization of, 46–47
for PPS, 61–62
quotes in, 43
response of no interest, 47–48
response to, 45
spelling errors in, 43
still no response, 44–45
for successful matching, 152
wrong information in, 45–46
Emotional intelligence
in interviews, 73–74
for virtual interviews, 97
Evernote®, 52, 65
Extracurricular activities
for PhORCAS, 33
on social media, 8
Facebook, 7, 9
Facial jewelry, 74
Facility tours
with interviews, 114–115
with virtual interviews, 104
IPPEs and, 9
for matching, 145, 147
practice interviews with, 73
research experience from, 3t, 6–7
research interests of, 2t
Fellowships, 15–16
contacting forb, 41–48
matching ROL for, 135
Financial plan, after matching, 158–160
First impression, after matching, 160–161
in interviews, 109
in virtual interviews, 106
Ford, Henry, 180
Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC), 131, 141
Gates, Bill, 180
Gender diversity, 85–87
Generational diversity, 85
Geographical diversity, 84–85
Google Meet, 101
GoToMeeting, 101
Grades/grade point averages (GPAs), 4–5
APPEs and, 11, 12
in email to RPD, 43
in CV, 19
in PS/OLI, 28
in texting, 122
Handwritten notes, for interview follow-up, 122–123
Headspace app, 169t, 178
Health insurance
on CV, 24
reviews, 7, 24
after successful matching, 153
Healthy Minds Program app, 169t, 178
Hidden gem residencies, 15–16
Honors and awards
on CV, 24
on PhORCAS, 34
Imposter syndrome, 167
Industry fellowships, 15
Instagram, 7
Insurance. See also Health insurance
car, 159
life, 153, 159
malpractice, 159
Interviews. See also Virtual interviews
applicant group, 113
at ASHP MCM, 41, 49–66
behavior in, 117
business attire for, 73–74
clinical cases with, 115–116
confidence in, 73–74
contacting RPD after, 46
cost of, 67
dates for, 70–71
emotional intelligence in, 73–74
facility tours with, 114–115
fit in, 109
focusing on what you can control, 79
follow-up after, 121–127
goals of, 112
interpersonal skills in, 73–74
itinerary for, 110–111
knowledge of program for, 71–72
lunch with, 114
one-on-one, 113
panel, 113
for PGY-1, 109–120
for PGY-2, 109–120
portfolio and, 27
postinterview dinner after, 118
with PPS, 47
practice for, 73–79
pre-interview checklist for, 110t
preparation for, 67–81, 109–120
presentations in, 75–78, 116–117
questions and answers in, 73, 117–118
reflection after, 118–119, 119t
for residency matching, 132
saving money for travel to, 2t, 3t
second, 126–127
types of, 112–113
Introductory pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs), 9
MUE in, 26
presentations in, 26
at Residency Showcase, 50
Jewelry, facial, 74
Keyboard shortcuts, 105, 106t
Keynote, 76, 78
on CV, 25
on PhORCAS, 34
in professional organizations, 5
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+), 86–87
Letter of recommendation
in application, 69
for matching, 145
from professional organizations, 5
LGBTQ+. See Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
ATT for, 155
by Board of Pharmacy Specialties, 15
cost of, 152
MPJE for, 155
NAPLEX for, 152, 155
residency matching and, 131
after successful matching, 152–153, 155–156
Life insurance, 153, 159
LinkedIn, 8, 18
on CV, 22
Evernote® and, 52
Lunch, with interviews, 114
Malpractice insurance, 159
Match Day, 139–140, 143–144, 154
Matching. See also National Matching Services, Inc.; Resident Matching Program
absence of, 143–150
algorithm for, 139
applicant agreement for, 133
applicant eligibility for, 130–131
contingency plans after, 156, 161–162
farewells after, 155
financial plan after, 158–160
first impression after, 160–161
friends and family after, 156
helpful tips for, 146
phase I versus phase II, 136–138
planning for future after, 161
program eligibility for, 130
program structure for, 131–132, 131t
program violations in, 133–134
purpose of, 130–134
questions and answers for, 145
of residencies, 129–140, 143–150, 151–163
RMP and, 129–131
ROL for, 129, 132–137
success in, 151–163
support system after, 160
timeline for, 131–132, 131t
Medication administration record (MAR), on CV, 24
APPEs and, 11
reviews of, 6
Medication-Use Evaluation (MUE), 26–27
Mental health. See Well-being
for CV, 25
for matching, 145
Microsoft Teams, 101, 106t
Midyear Clinical Meeting (MCM), of ASHP, 1
APPEs and, 10, 13
behavior at, 53–54, 153
CV at, 21, 52
gender and sexual diversity at, 86
hidden gem residencies at, 16
interviews at, 41, 49–66
PhORCAS references from, 35
portfolios and, 27
PPS at, 49–66
professional attire at, 49–66
PS/LOI for, 28
Residency Showcase at, 49–66
after sessions, 63–64
Mock interviews, 73
Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Examination (MPJE), 155
National Alliance on Mental Illness, 171
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), 141; see also Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC)
National Library of Medicine, 77
National Matching Services, Inc. (NMS), 31, 120, 129, 141, 150
applicant agreement for, 133
ROL for, 132–133
schedule of dates, 141
National Merit Scholarship, 24
Negative experiences. See Difficult situations
North American Pharmacy Licensure Examination (NAPLEX), 152, 155
Oath of the Pharmacist, 88
Onboarding time, 160–161
One-on-one interviews, 113
On-site interviews. See Interviews
Panel interviews, 113
Part-time jobs, 4–5, 6, 161–162
Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA), 148
Peer-review, for matching, 147
Personal statement/letter of intent (PS/OLI)
in application, 68–69
cut and paste for, 28
development of, 27–30
in email to RPD, 43
format for, 28
grammar in, 28
on PhORCAS, 34–35
for screening interviews, 103
setting yourself apart on, 29–30
teaching and mentoring on, 25
for virtual interviews, 97
Personnel Placement Services (PPS)
at ASHP MCM, 49–66
benefits and considerations for, 54t
CV and, 21
interviews with, 47
portfolio and, 27
tips for, 50–54, 50t, 54t
Pharmacotherapy, 77
Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCAS), 31
Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service (PhORCAS), 16, 18, 39, 31–39, 141
account creation for, 31–32
application review for, 38, 68–69
for contacting RPD, 41–42, 45
CV on, 21, 35
education information for, 31
extracurricular activities for, 33
fees for, 38
honors and awards on, 34
leadership on, 34
matching and, 144–145
NMS and, 129
presentations on, 33–34
PS/LOI and, 27
PS/OLI on, 34–35
reapplication on, 37–38
references on, 35–37
for residency matching, 132
residency program designation forb, 37
RMP and, 131
supplemental materials for, 37
transcript requirements for, 31–32
work experience on, 33
Portable document format (PDF)
for CV, 22
for presentations, 76, 78, 116
Portfolios, 27
for interviews, 72
updating of, 72
Positive attitude, for interviews, 81, 100, 110t
Postgraduate year-1 residencies (PGY-1), 14, 15, 25
difficult situations in, 176
diversity in, 84–85
interviews for, 109–120
matching for, 130, 135, 144
PhORCAS references from, 35
PPS for, 58, 59
PS/LOI for, 29
Residency Showcase for, 54–55
RPD contact for, 41
support system in, 168
Postgraduate year-2 residencies (PGY-2), 14, 15
difficult situations in, 176
diversity in, 84–85
interviews for, 109–120
matching for, 130
matching ROL for, 135
PPS for, 58, 59, 61
PS/LOI for, 28
Residency Showcase for, 55
RPD contact for, 41
support system in, 168
Postinterview dinner, 118
for presentations, 76, 78, 116
screen sharing on, 105
Practice and Research Network (PRN), 88
Preceptors, 5
APPEs and, 9–10
ASHP and, 14
difficult situations and, 173
interviews and, 70–71
Match Day and, 139
for matching, 145, 147
practice interviews with, 73
at Residency Showcase, 57
after successful matching, 154
on CV, 25–26
in interviews, 75–78, 116–117
on PhORCAS, 33–34
references in, 77
after successful matching, 154
for virtual interviews, 100t, 104–105, 106t
Privacy, on social media, 8
Professional goals, on PS/LOI, 29
Professional organizations, 5–6
APPEs and, 12
for matching, 147
Publications, on CV, 26
Public Student Loan Forgiveness (PSLF), 159
Rank order list (ROL), for matching, 129, 132–137
Match Day and, 144
on PhORCAS, 35–37
in presentations, 77
after interviews, 118–119, 119t
after successful matching, 152
Regional diversity, 84–85
Research grants, 6
Residencies. See also specific types and topics
acronyms for, 14
APPEs in, 9–12
application for, 68–70
ASHP accredited, 14–16
ASHP accreditation standards, 18
ASHP Residency Directory, 39, 65,141
ASHP residency information, 18
competing for, 1–17, 2t–3t
congratulations for, 179–180
deciding later on, 12
difficult situations in, 172–177
diversity in, 83–94
hidden gem, 15–16
IPPEs in, 9
matching of, 129–140, 143–150, 151–163
resilience in, 165–177
Resident Matching Program (RMP), ASHP 129–131, 141
applicant agreement for, 133
phase II of, 131t, 132
phase I of, 131t, 132
program violations in, 133–134
ROL for, 132–133
timeline for, 131t
Residency program coordinator (RPC), interviews with, 111
Residency program directors (RPDs), 1
APPEs and, 12, 13
ASHP non-accredited residencies and, 14
burnout and, 166
contacting, 41–48
CV and, 19, 21, 25
difficult situations and, 173
e-mail for, 41–46
GPAs and, 4
leadership and, 25
matching and, 144, 146, 153, 154
portfolios and, 27
professional organizations and, 5
PS/LOI and, 19
residency matching and, 130
at Residency Showcase, 49–66
resilience and, 165
social media and, 8
after successful matching, 156
Residency Showcase
APPEs at, 50
at ASHP MCM, 49–66
benefits and considerations for, 54t
IPPEs at, 50
for PGY-1, 54–55
for PGY-2, 55
tips for, 50–54, 50t, 54t
Resilience, in residencies, 165–177
Screening interviews, 103
Screen sharing, in virtual interviews, 105, 106t
Second interviews, 126–127
Self-care, for well-being, 168–170, 169t
Sexual diversity, 85–87
Shadowing, 9
Situation, task, action, result, reflection (STARR method), 119, 119t
Sleep, 75, 166, 169t, 172t
Smiling Mind app, 169t, 178
Social networking, 7–9
for residency program information, 71
for virtual interview facility tours, 104
Special populations, reviews on, 7
Stress, 4, 171
CV and, 7
management of, 165–167
with PhORCAS, 32
Student loans, 159
Suicidal ideation, 166
Supplemental materials, for PhORCAS, 37, 144
Support system
after matching, 160
for well-being, 166–168
Texting, for interview follow-up, 122
Thank you notes, 121
Time management, 5
Traditional fellowships, 15
Twitter, 7–8, 9
Vacation, 69, 157, 161
Videoconferencing, 101–102
Virtual interviews, 97–107
additional technology for, 102
backgrounds for, 102
business attire for, 102
cons of, 98, 99t
day of, 103–104
facility tours with, 104
final touches for, 102
fit in, 106
versus in-person interviews, 99t
internet access reliability for, 99
keyboard shortcuts for, 105, 106t
location for, 98–101
pre-interview checklist for, 100t
presentations for, 104–105, 106t
pros of, 98, 99t
questions and answers for, 100t
Voicemail, 44–45
Volunteerism, 6, 12
on CV, 91
for matching, 146
with professional organizations, 5
screening interview and, 103
Webex, 101
Well-being, 165–177
ASHP program for, 178
help for, 172
self-care for, 168–170, 169t
stress and, 171
support system for, 166–168
from thank you notes, 121
White Coats for Black Lives, 88
Work experience
on CV, 24
on PhORCAs, 33
Work-study programs, 5, 6
World Health Organization, 166
Zoom, 101, 102, 106t
screen sharing, 105