Page numbers followed by f denoted a figure, the letter n denotes an endnote, and the letter t denotes a table.
Abemaciclib, 393t
Absorption. See also Bioavailability
of aminoglycosides, 127, 127t–128t
of antirejection agents, 238–240, 240t
of carbamazepine, 259–260, 260t
clearance and, 31–32
of clobazam, 208
of ethosuximide, 296, 296t
in geriatrics, 102t, 103–104
of levetiracetam, 196
of lidocaine, 341, 342t
of lithium, 360–361
with obesity, 54
of phenobarbital, 387, 387t
of theophylline, 427–428
of UFH, 305–306, 306t
of vancomycin, 460, 461t
of VPA, 444–445, 445t
of warfarin, 496, 496t
carbamazepine and, 266t
in pediatrics, 85t
warfarin and, 507t
carbamazepine and, 267t
in geriatrics, 105t, 107t
Acetoacetate, 13t
α1-acid glycoprotein (AAG)
antidepressants and, 178
carbamazepine and, 261
in geriatrics, 104
lidocaine and, 343–344
in pediatrics, 82
V of, 32
Activated clotting time (ACT), 306, 313t, 314
Activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT)
for fondaparinux, 327
LMWHs and, 323
UFH and, 304, 306, 307, 308f, 309t, 310, 313t, 314, 315
Actual body weight (ABW)
aminoglycosides and, 131
CrCl and, 15–16
dose proportionality and, 58, 58t
lidocaine and, 351
obesity and, 19, 49, 50t, 52–53, 53t
UFH and, 304
vancomycin and, 458, 460, 476, 479
Acute coronary syndrome (ACS)
fondaparinux and, 327
lidocaine and, 340
LMWHs and, 321
Acute kidney injury (AKI)
CRRT for, 27–28
GFR and, 11
vancomycin and, 459, 466, 476, 477
Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), 340, 345t, 351
aminoglycosides and, 147
CKD and, 34t
clearance of, 31t
hemodialysis and, 39t
SLC and, 68t
Adefovir, 68t
β-adrenergic antagonists, 372
Adverse drug events (ADEs). See also Drug-drug interactions
with digoxin, 285
drug concentration monitoring and, 7
in geriatrics, 108–110, 110t–114t
with opioids, 61
in geriatrics, 108
theophylline and, 424
AIDS, phenytoin and, 415
carbamazepine and, 261
in geriatrics, 104
GFR and, 11
lidocaine and, 343
in pediatrics, 82
phenytoin and, 405–406
V of, 32
VPA and, 446
warfarin and, 496–497
zonisamide and, 199
antidepressants and, 177–178
theophylline and, 435t
warfarin and, 500, 506t, 507t, 510
Allopurinol, 507t
carbamazepine and, 265
tacrolimus and, 246
UFH and, 318t
Alprazolam, 111t
in geriatrics, 107t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
dosing for, 126, 127t
hemodialysis and, 39t
in pediatrics, 87, 89
Amiloride, 113t
α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA), 193
Aminoglycosides, 123–149
absorption of, 127, 127t–128t
assays of, 144
bioavailability of, 127, 127t–128t
DDIs with, 147
distribution of, 128–129, 129t
dosing for, 124–137, 125t–150t
drug concentration monitoring for, 4, 139–144, 141f–143f
drug-disease interactions with, 147–149
elimination of, 129, 130t, 131–132
in geriatrics, 107t
half-life of, 130, 130t, 132
loading dose for, 124–125, 125t
in pediatrics, 81, 82, 85, 88, 89, 135–137, 135t–137t
pharmacodynamics of, 144–147
pharmacogenomics of, 149
pharmacokinetics of, 127–130, 127t–130t
protein binding of, 129
therapeutic range for, 138–139
time to steady state for, 130, 130t
toxicity of, 7
vancomycin and, 476
V of, 32
Aminophylline, 424
digoxin and, 286t
in geriatrics, 111t
lidocaine and, 350t
phenytoin and, 412t
warfarin and, 507t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 103t, 105t, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 167t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Ammonium chloride, 30
Amobarbital, 111t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 167t
therapeutic range of, 173t
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Amphetamine, 30
Amphotericin B
aminoglycosides and, 147
hemodialysis and, 39t
aminoglycosides and, 147
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Ampicillin/sulbactam, 39t
Andexanet alfa, 328
Androgens, 112t
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI)
digoxin and, 286t
in geriatrics, 101, 107t, 113t
lithium and, 372t
Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)
in geriatrics, 113t
lithium and, 372, 372t
digoxin and, 286t
gabapentin and, 190
phenytoin and, 412t
Antibiotics. See also β-lactams; Macrolide antibiotics
drug concentration monitoring for, 4
lithium and, 372
VPA and, 452
warfarin and, 507t
carbamazepine and, 266t
in geriatrics, 101
VPA and, 452
Anticonvulsants, 452
adolescence and, 177
alcoholism and, 177–178
carbamazepine and, 266t
cardiology and, 178
DDIs with, 176–177, 176t
dosing for, 164–166, 165t–167t
drug concentration monitoring for, 175–176
drug-disease interactions with, 177–179
in geriatrics, 108
geriatrics and, 177
half-life of, 169–170
hepatic insufficiency and, 178
hypothyroidism and, 179
malnutrition and, 178
metabolism of, 169, 170t
pharmacodynamics of, 176–179, 176t
pharmacogenetics and, 71–72
pharmacokinetics of, 167–170, 167t–168t, 179t
protein binding of, 178
renal insufficiency and, 178
smoking and, 178–179
therapeutic range of, 172–175, 173t–174t
Antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), 185–219
carbamazepine and, 266t, 269
dosing of, 186, 186t–187t
drug concentration monitoring of, 5–6
generic substitution for, 219
in geriatrics, 101
new types of, 218–219
pharmacogenetics and, 71
TDM of, 185–186
VPA and, 447, 451
Anti-factor Xa heparin
LMWHs and, 320–321, 320t, 325
UFH and, 310, 312, 312t, 313t, 314
Antifungal agents
carbamazepine and, 266t, 267t
phenobarbital and, 394t
warfarin and, 507t
Antihistamines, 110t
Antihypertensive agents, 108
Anti-infective medications, 110t
Antiparkinson drugs, 108, 110t
in geriatrics, 111t, 113t
obesity and, 61
Antirejection agents, 233–251
absorption of, 238–240, 240t
bioavailability of, 240, 240t
DDIs with, 248–249, 248t–249t
distribution of, 240–241, 241t
dosing of, 234–237, 235t–238t
drug-gene interactions with, 250–251, 251t
elimination of, 242, 243t
half-life of, 243, 243t
metabolism of, 242, 243t
molecular weights of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
pharmacokinetics of, 238–243, 240t, 241t, 243t
protein binding of, 241
TDM of, 245
therapeutic range of, 244–245, 244t
time to steady state of, 243
V of, 241, 241t
Antispasmodics, 110t
Antithrombin (AT)
fondaparinux and, 328
UFH and, 305, 311, 316t
in geriatrics, 110t
UFH and, 316
VPA and, 452
warfarin and, 506t
CKD and, 34t
in geriatrics, 113t
phenobarbital and, 393t
warfarin and, 506t
Aripiprazole, 394t
Ascites, 147
Asphyxia, in pediatrics, 85–86
in geriatrics, 112t, 113t
with LMWHs, 325t
UFH and, 319t
VPA and, 451, 452
warfarin and, 508t
Assays, 13, 13t
of aminoglycosides, 144
of digoxin, 284, 284t–285t
of LMWHs, 323
of phenobarbital, 30
of UFH, 315
of vancomycin, 481
Asthma. See Theophylline
Atazanavir, 286t
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
carbamazepine and, 267t
SLC and, 68t
ATP-binding cassette (ABC), 67, 68t
Atrial fibrillation
digoxin and, 286
warfarin and, 502t
Atropine, 110t
Autoinduction, of carbamazepine, 261–262, 264–265
Axitinib, 393t
Azathioprine, 234
absorption of, 238–240, 240t
distribution of, 241, 241t
dosing of, 237t–238t
drug-gene interactions with, 250–251, 251t
elimination of, 242, 243t
molecular weight of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
protein binding of, 241
warfarin and, 506t
carbamazepine and, 267t
digoxin and, 286t
CKD and, 34t
clearance of, 31t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Bacitracin, 147
ethosuximide and, 299
in geriatrics, 105, 111t
warfarin and, 506t
Belladonna alkaloids, 110t
CKD and, 34t
in geriatrics, 105t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Benzodiazepines, 106, 108, 111t
Benztropine, 110t
Benzylpenicillin, 30t
Bepridil, 32
Bicarbonate, 392t
of aminoglycosides, 127, 127t–128t
of antirejection agents, 240, 240t
of cannabidiol, 214–215, 214t
of carbamazepine, 259–260, 260t
of clobazam, 208, 208t
of digoxin, 279, 279t
of eslicarbazepine, 210–211, 211t
of ethosuximide, 296, 296t
of ezogabine, 206, 206t–207t, 207
of felbamate, 177t
of gabapentin, 189t
in geriatrics, 103, 103t
of levetiracetam, 196t
of lidocaine, 341, 342t
of lithium, 361
of oxcarbazepine, 198t
of perampanel, 209t–210t
of phenobarbital, 387, 387t
of pregabalin, 200t–201t
of rufinamide, 203, 203t–204t
of theophylline, 427–428, 427t
of tiagabine, 193t
of topiramate, 194t
of UFH, 305–306, 306t
of vancomycin, 460, 461t
of VPA, 444–445, 445t
of warfarin, 496–497, 496t
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
digoxin and, 286t
in geriatrics, 108
lidocaine and, 350t
theophylline and, 435t
Blood-brain barrier (BBB)
antidepressants and, 178
DMEs and, 69, 69t, 70f
DMTs and, 69, 69t, 70f
topiramate and, 194
zonisamide and, 199
Blood-brain multidrug efflux transporters, 209
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 364
Boceprevir, 286t
Body mass index (BMI)
carbamazepine and, 262
fondaparinux and, 327
LMWHs and, 325
obesity and, 50, 50t, 53t
UFH and, 304
Body surface area (BSA)
GFR and, 16
obesity and, 50t, 52, 53t, 59
rufinamide and, 203
Bosentan, 506t
digoxin and, 286t, 287t
lidocaine and, 349t
theophylline and, 423, 432, 434
UFH and, 318t
Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP), 69t
Breast milk. See Lactation
Brexpiprazole, 394t
Brigatinib, 393t
Brivaracetam, 212–213, 212t
dosing of, 187t
VPA and, 452t
Brompheniramine, 110t
Bumetanide, 68t
carbamazepine and, 266t
clearance of, 31t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 167t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Buspirone, 394t
Butabarbital, 111t
Butalbital, 111t
in pediatrics, 85t
theophylline and, 429
Calcium channel blockers
carbamazepine and, 267t, 268t
digoxin and, 286t
in geriatrics, 106, 108
lithium and, 372
theophylline and, 435t
Canagliflozin, 287t
Cannabidiol, 213–215, 214t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 187t
VPA and, 451, 452t
Capecitabine, 507t
Capreomycin, 147
Captopril, 31t
Carbamazepine, 257–269, 258t–263t
brivaracetam and, 213
DDIs with, 266–268, 266t–268t
dosing of, 257–259, 258t, 259t, 263–264
ethosuximide and, 299
in geriatrics, 113t
lacosamide and, 202, 203
lamotrigine and, 191
oxcarbazepine and, 198
phenobarbital and, 395t
phenytoin and, 412t
rufinamide and, 204
theophylline and, 435t
topiramate and, 195
VPA and, 451, 452t
warfarin and, 506t
Carbapenem, 452
Carbinoxamine, 110t
aminoglycosides and, 147
warfarin and, 508t
antidepressants and, 178
in geriatrics, 110t–111t
pharmacogenetics and, 71
Carisoprodol, 112t
Carnitine, 68t
clearance of, 31t
digoxin and, 286t
Catecholamines, 13t
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
CKD and, 34t
clearance of, 31t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Cefoperazone, 147
CKD and, 34t
clearance of, 31t
SLC and, 68t
CKD and, 34t
creatinine assays for, 13t
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
in pediatrics, 89
Ceftolozane/tazobactam, 34t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 105t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Cefuroxime, 34t
dosing of, 187t
VPA and, 451, 452t
Central nervous system (CNS)
geriatrics and, 111t
lidocaine and, 349
phenobarbital and, 387
VPA and, 445, 452
Cephalexin, 34t
aminoglycosides and, 147
creatinine assays for, 13t
V of, 32
warfarin and, 507t
aminoglycosides and, 147
creatinine assays for, 13t
Ceritinib, 287t
Cerivastatin, 31t
Cetirizine, 34t
phenobarbital and, 392t
theophylline and, 435t
cannabidiol and, 215
lidocaine and, 345t–346t
theophylline and, 437t
in pediatrics, 79t
phenobarbital and, 392t
warfarin and, 507t
Chlordiazepoxide, 103t, 111t
Chloroquine, 287t
Chlorpheniramine, 110t
Chlorpromazine, 105t
Chlorpropamide, 107t, 112t, 395t
Chlorzoxazone, 112t
digoxin and, 287t
warfarin and, 506t
Cholinesterase inhibitors, 101
Chronic kidney disease (CKD)
dosing for, 27–43, 29t, 31t, 32–33, 34t–37t
GFR and, 16
GFR for, 29
lidocaine and, 345t
in pediatrics, 83
vancomycin and, 459
Chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration equation (CKD-EPI), 16–17, 28
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). See Theophylline
CKD and, 34t
hemodialysis and, 39t
renal drug transporters and, 30
Cilastatin, 31t
carbamazepine and, 267t
CKD and, 34t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 103t, 107t, 114t
hemodialysis and, 39t
lidocaine and, 350t
oxcarbazepine and, 198
phenytoin and, 412t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
theophylline and, 436t
VPA and, 451
warfarin and, 507t
CKD and, 35t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 113t
hemodialysis and, 39t
lidocaine and, 350t
phenytoin and, 412t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
aminoglycosides and, 147
brivaracetam and, 213
phenobarbital and, 395t
phenytoin and, 414
theophylline and, 437t
VPA and, 453
ABC and, 68t
aminoglycosides and, 147
carbamazepine and, 267t
MRP6 and, 69t
SLC and, 68t
carbamazepine and, 266t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 167t
therapeutic range of, 173t
carbamazepine and, 267t
CKD and, 35t
digoxin and, 287t
hemodialysis and, 39t
theophylline and, 436t
Clearance. See also Creatinine clearance
Clearance (CL, elimination)
of aminoglycosides, 129, 130t, 131–132
of antirejection agents, 242, 243t
of cannabidiol, 214t
of carbamazepine, 261–263, 262t
of cenobamate, 217t
of clobazam, 208t
of digoxin, 280t, 281–282, 282t
of eslicarbazepine, 211t
of ethosuximide, 297, 297t
of ezogabine, 207t
of felbamate, 177t
of gabapentin, 189t, 190t
in geriatrics, 106–107, 107t
GFR and, 29
of lacosamide, 202, 202t
of lamotrigine, 191t
of levetiracetam, 196t
of lidocaine, 343, 344, 344t–345t
of lithium, 362, 362t, 365
metabolism for, 30–31, 31t
nonrenal mechanisms, 30–32, 31t
obesity and, 55–57
of oxcarbazepine, 198t
in pediatrics, 82–84
of perampanel, 209t, 210
of phenobarbital, 388, 389t
of phenytoin, 406–408
of pregabalin, 200t
renal drug transporters and, 29–30, 30t
renal elimination, 28–29
of rufinamide, 203t
of stiripentol, 216t
of theophylline, 425, 428–430, 429t
of tiagabine, 193t
of topiramate, 194t
of UFH, 306, 307t
of vancomycin, 462, 462t
of vigabatrin, 205, 205t
of VPA, 447, 448t
of warfarin, 496t, 497
Clemastine, 110t
Clidinium-chlordiazepoxide, 110t
in pediatrics, 79t
phenobarbital and, 395t
Clobazam, 207–209, 208t
cannabidiol and, 214–215
dosing of, 187t
stiripentol and, 216–217
VPA and, 452t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Clonazepam, 111t
Clonidine, 110t
Clopidogrel, 71
Clorazepate, 103, 111t
Clozapine, 394t
Cobicistat, 287t
Cobimetinib, 393t
Cockroft-Gault (CG) equation, 15–16
for aminoglycosides, 129
obesity and, 55–57
clearance of, 31t
in pediatrics, 85t
digoxin and, 287t
in geriatrics, 114t
Colestipol, 506t
aminoglycosides and, 147
hemodialysis and, 39t
Congestive heart failure (CHF)
carbamazepine and, 269
lidocaine and, 344t, 350
theophylline and, 437t
warfarin and, 511
Continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT)
for AKI, 27–28
dosing for, 42–43
phenobarbital and, 395t
phenytoin and, 414
vancomycin and, 480, 480t
Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration (CVVHDF)
dosing for, 39t–41t, 42–43
vancomycin and, 480
Continuous venovenous hemofiltration (CVVH), 39t–41t, 42–43
Cooper, T. B., 364
Corticosteroids, 234
carbamazepine and, 267t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
phenobarbital and, 395t
sirolimus and, 245
theophylline and, 423–424, 436t
warfarin and, 508t
C-reactive protein, 100
Creatinine assays, 12–13, 13t
Creatinine clearance (CrCl)
for aminoglycosides, 129, 131–132
for clobazam, 208t
CRRT and, 28
of digoxin, 278, 279t, 281–282, 282t
for fondaparinux, 327
in geriatrics, 106–107
for kidney function assessment, 12–17
for lacosamide, 202
for lithium, 362, 365
for LMWHs, 325–326
for obesity, 50, 55–57
in pediatrics, 82–83
for vancomycin, 459–460, 463, 464, 467, 477
for vigabatrin, 205
Cyclic GMP, 68t
Cyclobenzaprine, 112t
clearance of, 31t
digoxin and, 287t
warfarin and, 508t
Cyclosporine, 233
absorption of, 238–240, 240t
carbamazepine and, 267t
DDIs with, 249, 249t–250t
distribution of, 240, 241t
dosing of, 235t, 237t–238t
drug-gene interactions with, 250–251, 251t
elimination of, 242, 243t
molecular weight of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
protein binding of, 241
renal drug transporters and, 30t
therapeutic monitoring of, 245
therapeutic range of, 244, 244t
warfarin and, 506t
Cyproheptadine, 110t
Cystatin C, 12, 13, 14, 17
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
aminoglycosides and, 129, 147
in pediatrics, 88–89
theophylline and, 437t
Cytochrome P450 (CYP), 66, 67, 71
antidepressants and, 169, 176–177, 176t
antirejection agents and, 245
BBB and, 69t
brivaracetam and, 213
cannabidiol and, 214–215
carbamazepine and, 261, 266
cenobamate and, 218
for clobazam, 208t
clobazam and, 209
eslicarbazepine and, 211
ethosuximide and, 297
ezogabine and, 206, 207
felbamate and, 188
in geriatrics, 106
lacosamide and, 202
levetiracetam and, 197
lidocaine and, 343
obesity and, 61
oxcarbazepine and, 197, 198
in pediatrics, 84, 84t–85t, 90
perampanel and, 210
phenobarbital and, 388, 391, 393
phenytoin and, 407
prednisone and, 249
rufinamide and, 204
stiripentol and, 215, 216
theophylline and, 429, 435
tiagabine and, 193
vigabatrin and, 206
VPA and, 447
warfarin and, 497, 509
zonisamide and, 199
in geriatrics, 113t, 114t
UFH and, 307
Daclatasvir, 287t
Dalteparin, 320t, 321t
Danazol, 267t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Darunavir, 268t
digoxin and, 287t
phenobarbital and, 393t
Dasatinib, 394t
Daunorubicin, 69t
Debrisoquine, 67
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
fondaparinux and, 328
LMWHs and, 320
UFH and, 312, 312t, 314, 315t
Delafloxacin, 39t
Delafloxacin/meglumine, 35t
Desiccated thyroid, 112t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 103t, 105t, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Desmopressin, 112t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 173t
digoxin and, 284t
phenobarbital and, 394t
phenytoin and, 412t
Dexbrompheniramine, 110t
Dexchlorpheniramine, 110t
Dextromethorphan/quinidine, 113t
Dextropropoxyphene, 268t
Deziel-Evans, L. M., 145
Dialysis. See also Hemodialysis
aminoglycosides and, 148
lidocaine and, 345t
lithium and, 373
phenobarbital and, 396t
vancomycin and, 478–481, 478t–480t
in geriatrics, 105t, 106, 111t
lithium and, 372
in pediatrics, 79t, 81, 84, 84t
pharmacogenetics and, 72
phenobarbital and, 387
Diclofenac, 112t
Dicloxacillin, 506t
Dicumarol, 266t
Dicyclomine, 110t
Didanosine, 39t
Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA), 82
Diflunisal, 104, 105t, 112t
Digoxin, 277–290, 278t–281t, 283t–290t
carbamazepine and, 267t
DDIs with, 286, 286t–289t
dosing of, 278–279, 278t, 279t, 281–283, 282f
in geriatrics, 103, 107t, 111t
lacosamide and, 202
lithium and, 372
in pediatrics, 79t, 88
renal drug transporters and, 30t
carbamazepine and, 268t
digoxin and, 287t
Dimenhydrinate, 110t
Diphenhydramine, 110t
Dipyridamole, 110t
Direct-acting oral anticoagulant (DOAC), 308
digoxin and, 286t
in geriatrics, 105t, 107t, 111t
V of, 32
Distribution. See also Volume of distribution
of aminoglycosides, 128–129, 129t
of antirejection agents, 240–241, 241t
of carbamazepine, 260–261, 261t
of digoxin, 280t
of ethosuximide, 296–297, 297t
in geriatrics, 104–106, 105t
of lidocaine, 342
of lithium, 361, 361t
in pediatrics, 81–82
of phenobarbital, 387, 388t
of theophylline, 428, 428t
of UFH, 306
of VPA, 446
of warfarin, 496–497, 496t
phenytoin and, 413t
theophylline and, 436t
warfarin and, 507t
aminoglycosides and, 147
digoxin and, 288t
in geriatrics, 113t
lithium and, 372t
vancomycin and, 476
Dobutamine, 13t
in geriatrics, 114t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
Dopamine, 13t
Doravirine, 393t
Doripenem, 35t
Dose proportionality
for cenobamate, 217
for lacosamide, 202, 202t
obesity and, 58, 58t
for topiramate, 194
for zonisamide, 199
of AEDs, 186, 186t–187t
of aminoglycosides, 124–137, 125t–150t
of antirejection agents, 234–237, 235t–238t
of azathioprine, 237t–238t
of brivaracetam, 212–213, 212t
of cannabidiol, 214–215, 214t
of carbamazepine, 257–259, 258t, 259t, 263–264
of cenobamate, 217–218, 217t
for chronic kidney disease, 27–43, 29t, 31t, 32–33, 34t–37t
for CRRT, 42–43
for CVVH, 39t–41t, 42–43
for CVVHD, 42–43
for CVVHDF, 39t–41t
of cyclosporine, 235t, 237t–238t
of digoxin, 278–279, 278t, 279t, 281–283, 282t
drug concentration monitoring and, 3–8
of eslicarbazepine, 210–211, 211t
of ethosuximide, 295–296, 296t, 298
of ezogabine, 206–207, 206t–207t
of felbamate, 177t
of fondaparinux, 327
of fosphenytoin, 402–403
of gabapentin, 189t
for hemodialysis, 38–42, 38t–41t
kidney function assessment and, 17–18
of lacosamide, 201–202, 202t
of lamotrigine, 191t
of levetiracetam, 196t
of lidocaine, 340–341, 340t–342t, 346–348, 346t–347t
of lithium, 358–360, 359t, 360t, 363–365
of LMWHs, 321–323, 321t
of mycophenolate, 237t–238t
for obesity, 49–61, 53t–54t, 60f
of oxcarbazepine, 197, 198t
in pediatrics, 77–90
of perampanel, 209–210, 209t–210t
of phenobarbital, 385–386, 386t, 387t
of phenytoin, 402–403, 402t, 403t
of prednisone, 237t–238t
of pregabalin, 200–201, 200t–201t
of rufinamide, 203, 203t–204t
of sirolimus, 236t, 237t–238t
of stiripentol, 215, 216t
of tacrolimus, 235t–236t, 237t–238t
of theophylline, 430–431
of tiagabine, 192–193, 193t
of topiramate, 194–195, 194t
of UFH, 304–305, 307–311, 308f, 309t–311t
of vancomycin, 458–460, 459t, 460t, 463–467, 463t–465t
of vigabatrin, 204–205, 205t
of VPA, 443, 444t, 448–449
of warfarin, 494–496, 495t, 498–501, 498t, 500t, 501t
of zonisamide, 199, 199t
Down syndrome, 437t
in geriatrics, 110t
metabolism of, 170t
therapeutic range of, 173t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 111t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
ABC and, 68t
carbamazepine and, 267t
P-GP and, 67
phenobarbital and, 394t
carbamazepine and, 267t
lithium and, 372
Doxylamine, 110t
Dravet syndrome (DS), 213
cannabidiol and, 215
stiripentol and, 215
digoxin and, 287t
in geriatrics, 111t
phenobarbital and, 393t
Drug concentration monitoring
adherence and, 6
for aminoglycosides, 139–144, 141f–143f
for antidepressants, 175–176
dosing and, 3–8
efficacy of, 6–7
evaluation of need for, 4–6, 5t
immediate effect and, 6–8
toxicity and, 6–8
Drug-disease/condition interactions
with aminoglycosides, 147–149
with antidepressants, 177–179
with carbamazepine, 268–269
with digoxin, 290
drug concentration monitoring and, 7
with ethosuximide, 300
with fondaparinux, 328
with lidocaine, 350–352
with lithium, 372–374, 373t
with LMWHs, 325–326
with phenobarbital, 395, 395t–396t
with phenytoin, 414–415
with theophylline, 436, 437t–438t
with vancomycin, 476–480, 478t–480t
with VPA, 453
with warfarin, 510–511
Drug-drug interactions (DDIs)
with aminoglycosides, 147
with antidepressants, 176–177, 176t
with antirejection agents, 248–249, 248t–249t
with carbamazepine, 266–268, 266t–268t
with clobazam, 209
with digoxin, 286, 286t–289t
with ethosuximide, 299–300
in geriatrics, 108–110, 110t–114t
with lidocaine, 349–350, 350t
with lithium, 371–372, 372t
with LMWHs, 325
with oxcarbazepine, 198
pharmacogenomics and, 67
with phenobarbital, 392–393, 392t–395t
with phenytoin, 412, 412t–413t
with theophylline, 435, 435t–436t
with UFH, 319, 319t
with vancomycin, 476
with VPA, 451–452, 452t
with warfarin, 506–510, 506t–508t
Drug-gene interactions
with antirejection agents, 250–251, 251t
with azathioprine, 234
Drug membrane transporters (DMTs), 65
BBB and, 69, 69t, 70f
polymorphisms in, 70
Drug metabolizing enzymes (DMEs), 65, 66
BBB and, 69, 69t, 70f
CYP and, 67
polymorphisms in, 70
Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systematic Symptoms (DRESS), 192, 217, 218
carbamazepine and, 266t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 114t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 173t
in geriatrics, 114t
UFH and, 307
Efavirenz, 507t
Elagolix, 68t
Elderly. See Geriatrics
Elexacaftor/tezacaftor/ivacaftor, 393t
Eliglustat, 287t
Elimination. See Clearance
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 39t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 39t
Endogenous digoxin-like substances (EDLS), 283t, 284, 284t
End-stage renal disease (ESRD)
levetiracetam and, 196t
phenytoin and, 414
vancomycin and, 478
Enoxaparin, 320t, 321t
in geriatrics, 114t
clearance of, 31t
SLC and, 68t
Entrectinib, 393t
Enzalutamide, 394t
Enzyme multiplied immunoassay (EMIT), 481
Epigenetics, 61
Epinephrine, 13t
carbamazepine and, 267t
clearance of, 31t
digoxin and, 287t
lidocaine and, 350t
oxcarbazepine and, 198
theophylline and, 436t
carbamazepine and, 266t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Eslicarbazepine, 210–211, 211t
dosing of, 187t
VPA and, 451, 452t
Estazolam, 111t
Estimate glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), 16, 17–18, 28, 29–30
Estradiol, 104
Estriol, 395t
in geriatrics, 112t
theophylline and, 436t
Ethacrynic acid, 147
Ethambutol, 107t
Ethinylestradiol, 198
Ethosuximide, 295–300, 296t–298t
carbamazepine and, 266t
VPA and, 451
Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 144
Etodolac, 112t
Etomidate, 105t
ABC and, 68t
phenobarbital and, 394t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
warfarin and, 508t
Eutectic mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine (EMLA), 79t, 81
Everolimus, 394t
Extracorporeal life support (ECLS), 312t, 313t, 315t
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)
in pediatrics, 86–87
theophylline and, 437t
Ezogabine, 206–207, 206t–207t
dosing of, 187t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 39t
CKD and, 35t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 114t
hemodialysis and, 39t
in pediatrics, 79t
Fat free mass (FFM), 50t, 52–53, 54t
Febrile neutropenia, 148
Felbamate, 187–189
carbamazepine and, 263, 267t
clearance of, 31t
dosing of, 186t
in geriatrics, 101
VPA and, 452t
carbamazepine and, 267t
oxcarbazepine and, 198
Fenofibrate, 508t
Fenoprofen, 112t
carbamazepine and, 267t
in geriatrics, 104
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 39t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
SLC and, 68t
Fingolimod, 287t
Flecainide, 286t
Flibanserin, 393t
carbamazepine and, 266t, 267t
hemodialysis and, 40t
phenytoin and, 413t
CKD and, 35t
creatinine assays for, 13t
Fludrocortisone, 284t
Fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA)
for digoxin, 284
for phenobarbital, 390
for vancomycin, 481
in geriatrics, 101
warfarin and, 507t
Fluorouracil, 507t
carbamazepine and, 267t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
phenytoin and, 413t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Fluphenazine, 105t
Flurazepam, 105t, 111t
carbamazepine and, 267t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
lidocaine and, 350t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
phenytoin and, 413t
theophylline and, 436t
therapeutic range of, 173t
Folic acid
in geriatrics, 103
phenytoin and, 413t
Fondaparinux, 326–328
in geriatrics, 114t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
dosing for, 402–403
in geriatrics, 101
warfarin and, 506t, 507t
Free fatty acids
in pediatrics, 82
VPA and, 446–447
Free fraction, 104
aminoglycosides and, 147
creatinine assays for, 13t
SLC and, 68t
vancomycin and, 476
V of, 32
Gabapentin, 189–191, 190t
CKD and, 35t
dosing of, 186t
in geriatrics, 101, 114t
hemodialysis and, 40t
SLC and, 68t
VPA and, 451, 452t
Galantamine, 101
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
Gefitinib, 508t
Gemcitabine, 508t
Gemfibrozil, 508t
Gemigliptin, 393t
Genetics. See also Pharmacogenetics; Pharmacogenomics
ethosuximide and, 300
obesity and, 61
aminoglycosides and, 147
dosing for, 126, 127t
in geriatrics, 104
hemodialysis and, 40t
in pediatrics, 79t, 88
Geriatrics (elderly), 99–114
absorption in, 102t, 103–104
ADEs in, 108–110, 110t–114t
antidepressants and, 177
bioavailability in, 103, 103t
clearance in, 106–107, 107t
DDIs in, 108–110, 110t–114t
distribution in, 104–106, 105t
elimination in, 106–107, 107t
free fraction in, 104
intramuscular absorption in, 104
kidney function assessment in, 19–20, 20t–21t
LBW to fat ratio in, 105–106
lidocaine in, 351
lithium in, 373, 373t
metabolism in, 106
oral absorption in, 103, 103t
pharmacodynamics in, 101, 102t, 107–108
pharmacokinetics in, 100–107, 102t
theophylline in, 433
tissue sensitivity in, 107–108
VPA in, 450
warfarin in, 510
Gilbert syndrome, 206
Glecaprevir, 288t
Glimepiride, 112t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
for aminoglycosides, 129, 131–132
CKD and, 29
clearance and, 29
in geriatrics, 106–107
for kidney function assessment, 11–22
for lithium, 358, 362, 372
obesity and, 56–57
in pediatrics, 82–84
Glucocorticoids, 13
Glucuronide, 86t
Glutathione, 68t
CKD and, 35t
in geriatrics, 112t
Glycinexylidide (GX), 343, 344t
Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists
LMWHs and, 325t
UFH and, 305, 319t
warfarin and, 508t
Griseofulvin, 506t
Growth hormone, 112t
Guanabenz, 110t
in geriatrics, 110t
phenobarbital and, 394t
H2-antagonists, 107t
of aminoglycosides, 130, 130t, 132
of antidepressants, 169–170
of carbamazepine, 263, 263t
of digoxin, 281t
of ethosuximide, 297, 298t
of ezogabine, 207
of lidocaine, 345, 345t–346t
of lithium, 362–363, 363t
of phenobarbital, 389, 389t
of phenytoin, 408
of stiripentol, 215
of theophylline, 430, 430t
of UFH, 306, 307t, 310
of vancomycin, 462, 462t–463t
of VPA, 448, 448t
of warfarin, 496t, 497
of zonisamide, 200
ethosuximide and, 299
in geriatrics, 105t
Halothane, 108
Hartford method, for aminoglycosides, 143
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
obesity and, 59
in pediatrics, 82
aminoglycosides and, 148
carbamazepine and, 266, 269
CKD and, 34–42, 38t–41t
dosing for, 38–42, 38t–41t
ethosuximide and, 300
gabapentin and, 190t
phenobarbital and, 396t
pregabalin and, 200, 201t
UFH and, 311t
vancomycin and, 478–479, 479t
VPA and, 447
warfarin and, 511
Heparin. See also Low-molecular-weight heparins; Unfractionated heparin
aminoglycosides and, 144
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT)
fondaparinux and, 326, 328
LMWHs and, 324
UFH and, 307, 317t
Hepatic insufficiency/disease. See also Cirrhosis
antidepressants and, 178
brivaracetam and, 213
cannabidiol and, 214t, 215
cenobamate and, 217t
clobazam and, 208t
ethosuximide and, 300
ezogabine and, 207t
kidney function assessment for, 21
lidocaine and, 345t, 351
perampanel and, 210t
phenobarbital and, 392t, 395t
UFH and, 306, 310t
vancomycin and, 477
vigabatrin and, 205
VPA and, 451, 453
warfarin and, 510–511
mycophenolate and, 234
phenobarbital and, 395t
theophylline and, 437t
Hexachlorophene, 81
HIV/AIDS, phenytoin and, 415
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)
carbamazepine and, 265, 269
phenobarbital and, 391
phenytoin and, 407–408
Hydrocortisone, 284t
Hydroxychloroquine, 287t
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA), 248
Hydroxymidazolam glucuronide, 87
Hydroxyzine, 108, 110t
Hyoscyamine, 110t
Hyperthermia, zonisamide and, 200
digoxin and, 290
theophylline and, 437t
warfarin and, 511
Hypnotic drugs, 101
aminoglycosides and, 148
phenobarbital and, 396t
UFH and, 314
antidepressants and, 179
theophylline and, 437t
warfarin and, 511
in geriatrics, 105t, 106, 112t
in pediatrics, 88–89
Ideal body weight (IBW)
aminoglycosides and, 131
CrCl and, 15–16
digoxin and, 282
dose proportionality and, 58t
lidocaine and, 351
theophylline and, 428
UFH and, 304
vancomycin and, 460
Idelalisib, 393t
Ifosfamide, 507t
I-iothalamate, 16
phenobarbital and, 394t
SLC and, 68t
Imipenem, 31t
Imipenem/cilastatin, 40t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 103t, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Improving Global Outcomes Guideline for Evaluation and Management of Chronic Kidney Disease (KDIGO-CKD), 13–14
Indinavir, 267t
in geriatrics, 112t
in pediatrics, 88
vancomycin and, 476
CKD and, 35t
in geriatrics, 112t
Interferon, 436t
Interleukin-6, 100
International normalized ratio (INR)
for fondaparinux, 327
for UFHs, 307, 308, 323
for warfarin, 494–495, 498–500, 503–505
International Sensitivity Index (ISI), for warfarin, 502–503
Irinotecan, 393t
carbamazepine and, 267t
clearance of, 31t
phenytoin and, 413t
warfarin and, 507t
Isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS), 12, 83
carbamazepine and, 266t, 267t
CKD and, 35t
digoxin and, 288t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
digoxin and, 286t
phenobarbital and, 393t
Jaffe-based assays, 12, 13t
Janmahasatian, S., 129
Jermain, D. M., 365
Kaolin-pectin, 288t
Ketoconazole, 266t, 267t
Ketones, 13t
Ketoprofen, 112t
Ketorolac, 31t
Kidney. See Renal insufficiency/disease
Kidney function assessment, 11–22
assay standardization for, 13–14
CrCl for, 12–17
cystatin C for, 12, 14, 17
dosing and, 17–18
eGFR for, 16, 17–18, 28, 29–30
for elderly, 19–20, 20t–21t
equations for adults for, 15
filtration markers for, 12
for liver disease, 21
for obesity, 18–19
in pediatrics, 21–22, 22t
SCr for, 13–15
Labetalol, 103t
Lacosamide, 201–203, 202t
dosing of, 187t
VPA and, 451, 452t
aminoglycosides and, 147
drug concentration monitoring for, 4
in pediatrics, 82, 89
Lactate, 68t
Lactation (breast milk)
lidocaine and, 352
phenobarbital and, 388
phenytoin and, 415
theophylline and, 428
VPA and, 445
warfarin and, 510
Lactulose, 13t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 186t
ezogabine and, 207
in geriatrics, 101
lacosamide and, 203
oxcarbazepine and, 198
rufinamide and, 204
VPA and, 451, 452t
Lapatinib, 288t
Large dose-extended interval (LDEI), for aminoglycosides, 124–125, 125t–126t, 133–137, 134t–137t, 138–144
Larotrectinib, 394t
Lasmiditan, 288t
Lean body weight (LBW)
aminoglycosides and, 129
to fat ratio, in geriatrics, 105–106
lithium and, 365
obesity and, 50t, 52–53, 53t
Ledipasvir, 288t
Leflunomide, 507t
Lemborexant, 393t
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (LGS), 191, 194, 203, 207, 213
cannabidiol and, 215
Levetiracetam, 195–197, 196t
CKD and, 35t
dosing of, 186t
in geriatrics, 101, 114t
hemodialysis and, 40t
VPA and, 451, 452t
Levodopa, 103t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
lithium and, 372
Levomilnacipran, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Levonorgestrel, 198
Levothyroxine, 267t
Lidocaine, 339–352, 340t–350t
clearance of, 31t, 343, 344, 344t–345t
creatinine assays for, 13t
DDIs with, 349–350, 350t
dosing of, 340–341, 340t–342t, 346–348, 346t–347t
in geriatrics, 103t, 104, 105t
Linezolid, 40t
Link, Karl, 493
Lisinopril, 35t
Lithium, 357–374, 359t–363t, 366t, 367f, 368f, 369t–373t
DDIs with, 371–372, 372t
dosing of, 358–360, 359t, 360t, 363–365
in geriatrics, 107t
pharmacodynamics of, 369–370, 369t, 370t
Liver. See Hepatic insufficiency/disease
Liver function tests
ethosuximide and, 299
for felbamate, 188
Loading dose
for aminoglycosides, 124–125, 125t
for digoxin, 278t
for obesity, 59
for phenobarbital, 386t
for phenytoin, 402, 402t
for UFH, 304–305, 311
of vancomycin, 458–459, 459t, 479
Lopinavir, 268t
in geriatrics, 105t, 106, 111t
phenobarbital and, 387
Losartan, 31t
carbamazepine and, 267t
clearance of, 31t
Low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWHs), 320–326
dosing of, 321–323, 321t
pharmacodynamics of, 320, 320t, 323–324
reversing effects of, 324–325, 325t
warfarin and, 508t
Loxapine, 299
Lumefantrine, 393t
Macitentan, 393t
Macrolide antibiotics
carbamazepine and, 267t
warfarin and, 507t
Maculopapular eruptions (MPEs), 269
Maintenance dose
for digoxin, 278–279, 278t, 279t
for lithium, 359, 359t
for obesity, 59–60
for phenobarbital, 386t
for phenytoin, 402, 402t
for theophylline, 425, 425t
for UFH, 305, 311
for vancomycin, 459–460
for warfarin, 500, 500t
aminoglycosides and, 148
antidepressants and, 178
VPA and, 446
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), 234
Mannitol, 147
dosing of, 165t, 166t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Meclizine, 110t
Meclofenamate, 112t
Mefenamic acid
in geriatrics, 112t
lithium and, 372
Megestrol, 112t
Meloxicam, 112t
Meningitis, 148
Meperidine, 104, 105t
Mephenytoin, 72
Mephobarbital, 111t
Mercaptopurine, 506t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
Mesalamine, 508t
of antidepressants, 169, 170t
of antirejection agents, 242, 243t
of brivaracetam, 213
of carbamazepine, 261–263, 262t
for clearance, 30–31, 31t
of clobazam, 208–209
in geriatrics, 106
of lamotrigine, 192
in pediatrics, 84–85, 84t–86t
of perampanel, 210
of phenytoin, 406
of rufinamide, 204
of theophylline, 428–429
of topiramate, 195
Metaxalone, 112t
CKD and, 35t
in geriatrics, 107t
hemodialysis and, 40t
lacosamide and, 202
renal drug transporters and, 30t
SLC and, 68t
Methadone, 267t
Methemoglobinemia, 79t
CKD and, 35t
in pediatrics, 88, 89
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 458, 459, 466, 469, 470, 475
Methimazole, 506t
Methocarbamol, 112t
ABC and, 68t
in geriatrics, 107t
phenytoin and, 413t
Methscopolamine, 110t
Methsuximide, 392t
in geriatrics, 110t
lithium and, 372
Methylprednisolone, 284t
Methyltestosterone, 112t
Methylxanthines, 424, 432
CKD and, 35t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 108, 112t
hemodialysis and, 40t
Metoprolol, 103t
CKD and, 35t
in geriatrics, 103t
hemodialysis and, 40t
lithium and, 372
warfarin and, 507t
lidocaine and, 350t
theophylline and, 436t
in pediatrics, 85t, 87
phenobarbital and, 387
Mifepristone, 393t
Mineral oil, 112t
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
for aminoglycosides, 124, 139, 144
CF and, 89
for vancomycin, 459, 466, 467–468, 477
digoxin and, 289t
lithium and, 372
Minoxidil, 31t
Mirabegron, 288t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 165t, 166t
in geriatrics, 113t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
phenobarbital and, 395t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Mitotane, 506t
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD), 28, 56–57
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 452
Monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX), 343, 344t, 351
Monohydroxylated derivative (MHD), 197
Moore, R. D., 145
clearance of, 31t
in pediatrics, 85t, 90
Moxifloxacin, 40t
Multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE), 29
Multidrug-resistance 1 (MDR1)
antirejection agents and, 251t
digoxin and, 290
Multidrug resistance proteins (MRPs), 29, 69t
Muscle relaxants, 112t
Mycophenolate, 234
absorption of, 238–240, 240t
DDIs with, 248–249, 248t–249t
distribution of, 240–241, 241t
dosing of, 237t–238t
drug-gene interactions with, 250–251, 251t
elimination of, 242, 243t
molecular weight of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
protein binding of, 241
SLC and, 68t
Nabumetone, 112t
N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), 206
Nafcillin, 506t
Naldemedine, 393t
Naproxen, 104, 105t, 112t
National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP), 13–14
N-demethylation pathway
clobazam and, 208, 208t
theophylline and, 429
N-desmethylclobazam, 208–209, 208t
cannabidiol and, 214–215
carbamazepine and, 267t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
lidocaine and, 344t
theophylline and, 428, 432–433, 434
UFH and, 311t
vancomycin for, 467
Neuromuscular-blocking agents, 372
Niacinamide, 268t
Nicardipine, 31t
in geriatrics, 111t
phenobarbital and, 393t
phenytoin and, 413t
Nilotinib, 393t
clearance of, 31t
phenobarbital and, 393t
Nitrofurantoin, 110t
LMWHs and, 325t
UFH and, 319t
Nizatidine, 114t
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
digoxin and, 288t
in geriatrics, 101, 104, 112t
lithium and, 372t
with LMWHs, 325t
UFH and, 319t
warfarin and, 508t
Norepinephrine, 13t
Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (NRIs), 164
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
in geriatrics, 105t, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
NSTE myocardial infarction (NSTEMI)
fondaparinux and, 328
LMWHs and, 320, 321
aminoglycosides and, 148
body composition changes with, 51–52
carbamazepine and, 262
CrCl with, 50, 55–57
dose proportionality and, 58, 58t
dosing for, 49–61, 53t–54t, 60f
fondaparinux and, 327
genetics and, 61
intramuscular absorption with, 54–55
kidney function assessment for, 18–19
lidocaine and, 344t, 351
lithium in, 373t
LMWHs and, 325
loading dose for, 59
maintenance doses for, 59–60
nonrenal clearance and, 57
oral absorption with, 54
in pediatrics, 82
phenytoin and, 414
renal clearance and, 55–57
size descriptors for, 50t–51t, 52–53, 53t–54t
UFH and, 311
vancomycin and, 460, 476–477
V (V) with, 55
O-desmethyltramadol, 90
carbamazepine and, 268t
warfarin and, 507t
Oncology, 70
obesity and, 61
phenobarbital and, 395t
Oral contraceptives
ezogabine and, 207
lacosamide and, 202
lamotrigine and, 192
VPA and, 451, 452
zonisamide and, 200
Organic anion and carnitine transporters (OCTNs), 29
Organic anionic transporter (OAT), 29–30, 66
BBB and, 69t
Organic cationic transporter (OCT), 29–30, 66
BBB and, 69t
Orlistat, 507t
Orphenadrine, 112t
Osteomalacia, 265
Osteoporosis, 318t
Overweight. See Obesity
Oxaprozin, 112t
Oxazepam, 111t
Oxcarbazepine, 113t, 197–199, 198t
CKD and, 35t
dosing of, 186t
in geriatrics, 101
lacosamide and, 203
phenobarbital and, 395t
VPA and, 452t
Oxypurinol, 68t
SLC and, 68t
warfarin and, 508t
Pancreatitis, 148
Pancuronium bromide, 267t
Paraquat, 68t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
in geriatrics, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
aminoglycosides and, 148
in pediatrics, 88
vancomycin and, 476
Pazopanib, 394t
Pediatric Advanced Weight Prediction in the Emergency Room (PAWPER), 51
Pediatrics. See also Neonates
age groups in, 78t
aminoglycosides in, 135–137, 135t–137t
asphyxia in, 85–86
CF in, 88–89
distribution in, 81–82
dosing in, 77–90
ECMO in, 86–87
elimination in, 82–84
exchange transfusion in, 86
intramuscular absorption in, 81
kidney function assessment in, 21–22, 22t
lidocaine in, 344t
metabolism in, 84–85, 84t–86t
obesity in, 82
oral absorption in, 80–81
PDA in, 88
percutaneous absorption in, 81
pharmacogenomics in, 89–90
pharmacokinetics in, 78–81, 78t–79t
rectal absorption in, 81
theophylline in, 432–433
vancomycin in, 466–467
vigabatrin for, 204
CKD and, 35t
in pediatrics, 79t
aminoglycosides and, 147
in pediatrics, 79t, 89
V of, 32
Pentamidine, 35t
Pentobarbital, 111t
Pepin, S. M., 365
Perampanel, 209–210, 209t–210t
dosing of, 187t
VPA and, 451, 452t
Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), 314
Perry, P. J., 364
Pexidartinib, 394t
P-glycoprotein (P-GP), 29, 66
ABC and, 68t
antidepressants and, 169, 177
antirejection agents and, 245
BBB and, 69t
carbamazepine and, 266
digoxin and, 290
doxorubicin and, 67
in geriatrics, 106
phenobarbital and, 388, 391
of aminoglycosides, 144–147
of antidepressants, 176–179, 176t
of antirejection agents, 245–248, 247t
of carbamazepine, 265–266
defined, 65
of digoxin, 285–286
of ethosuximide, 299
in geriatrics, 101, 102t, 107–108
of lidocaine, 349, 349t
of lithium, 369–370, 369t, 370t
of LMWHs, 320, 320t, 323–324
pharmacokinetics and, 66f
of phenobarbital, 391, 391t, 392t
of phenytoin, 411–412
of theophylline, 434–435, 435t
of UFH, 315–317, 316t–318t
of vancomycin, 469–476
of VPA, 451
of warfarin, 503–505, 505t
Pharmacogenetics, 66f
cardiology and, 71
defined, 65
history of, 66–67
oncology and, 70
psychiatry and, 71–72
of aminoglycosides, 149
defined, 66
of lithium, 374
in pediatrics, 89–90
pharmacokinetics and, 65–72
of phenytoin, 407–408
Pharmacogenomics Knowledgebase (PharmGKB), 67
of aminoglycosides, 127–130, 127t–130t
of antidepressants, 167–170, 167t–168t, 179t
of antirejection agents, 238–243, 240t, 241t, 243t
of brivaracetam, 212–213, 212t
of cannabidiol, 214–215, 214t
of carbamazepine, 259–263, 260t–263t
of cenobamate, 217–218, 217t
of clobazam, 207–208, 208t
defined, 66
of digoxin, 280, 280t, 281t
of eslicarbazepine, 210–211, 211t
of ethosuximide, 296–297, 296t–298t
of ezogabine, 206–207, 206t–207t
of felbamate, 177t
of fondaparinux, 327
of gabapentin, 189t
in geriatrics, 100–107, 102t
for lacosamide, 202, 202t
of lamotrigine, 191, 191t
of levetiracetam, 196, 196t
of lidocaine, 342–345, 342t–346t
of lithium, 360–363, 361t–363t
of LMWHs, 320–321, 320t, 322
of oxcarbazepine, 197, 198t
in pediatrics, 78–81, 78t–79t
of perampanel, 209–210, 209t–210t
pharmacodynamics and, 66f
pharmacogenomics and, 65–72
of phenobarbital, 387–389, 387t–389t
of phenytoin, 404–408, 404t, 407t
of pregabalin, 200–201, 200t–201t
of rufinamide, 203, 203t–204t
of stiripentol, 215, 216t
of theophylline, 427–430, 428t–430t
of tiagabine, 192–193, 193t
of topiramate, 194–195, 194t
of UFH, 305–306, 306t, 307t, 308–311, 309t–311t
of vancomycin, 460–462, 461t–463t, 464–467, 464t
of vigabatrin, 204–205, 205t
of VPA, 444–448, 445t, 446t, 448t
of warfarin, 496–501, 496t, 498t, 500t, 501t
of zonisamide, 199, 199t
Pharmacology, 66
dosing of, 165t, 167t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Phenobarbital, 385–395, 386t–396t
carbamazepine and, 263
cenobamate and, 218
DDIs with, 392–393, 392t–395t
dosing of, 385–386, 386t, 387t
in geriatrics, 111t
lacosamide and, 202
lamotrigine and, 191
oxcarbazepine and, 198
in pediatrics, 85
phenytoin and, 413t
renal drug transporters and, 30
rufinamide and, 204
theophylline and, 436t
VPA and, 451, 452t
ethosuximide and, 299
in geriatrics, 106, 108
Phenylthiocarbamide, 66–67
Phenytoin, 401–415, 402t–404t, 407t, 409t, 412t–413t
brivaracetam and, 213
carbamazepine and, 267t
cenobamate and, 218
DDIs with, 412, 412t–413t
digoxin and, 288t
dosing of, 402–403, 402t, 403t
drug concentration monitoring for, 4
ethosuximide and, 299–300
in geriatrics, 104, 105t, 106
lacosamide and, 202, 203
lamotrigine and, 191
oxcarbazepine and, 198
in pediatrics, 79t, 82, 84, 84t
pharmacogenetics and, 72
rufinamide and, 204
theophylline and, 436t
topiramate and, 195
toxicity of, 7
vigabatrin and, 206
V of, 32
VPA and, 452t
warfarin and, 506t, 507t
Phenytoin and, 403, 407, 414
Piperacillin, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
vancomycin and, 476
Piroxicam, 112t
Platelet factor 4 (PF4)
fondaparinux and, 328
LMWHs and, 325
UFH and, 316, 316t
Plazomicin, 126, 127t
SDSI and, 138
theophylline and, 437t
Posaconazole, 288t
Pramipexole, 30t
Prasugrel, 113t
Prazosin, 103, 110t
Predicted normal weight (PNWT), 54t
Prednisolone, 284t
absorption of, 238–240, 240t
DDIs with, 249, 249t–250t
digoxin and, 284t
distribution of, 241, 241t
dosage of, 237t–238t
elimination of, 242, 243t
molecular weight of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
protein binding of, 241
Pregabalin, 200–201, 200t–201t
dosing of, 186t
ethosuximide and, 300
in geriatrics, 114t
VPA and, 451, 452t
aminoglycosides and, 149
brivaracetam and, 213
cannabidiol and, 214t, 215
carbamazepine and, 262–263
cenobamate and, 217t
clobazam and, 208t
CrCl and, 15
eslicarbazepine and, 211t
ethosuximide and, 299
ezogabine and, 207t
felbamate and, 177t, 188
gabapentin and, 190t
lacosamide and, 202, 202t
lamotrigine and, 191t
LDEI and, 133
levetiracetam and, 196t, 197
lidocaine and, 352
lithium and, 372, 373–374, 373t
oxcarbazepine and, 197, 198t
perampanel and, 210t
phenobarbital and, 388, 396t
phenytoin and, 415
rufinamide and, 204t
stiripentol and, 216t
theophylline and, 437t
tiagabine and, 193t
topiramate and, 194t
UFH and, 316t
vigabatrin and, 205, 205t
VPA and, 450, 453
warfarin and, 510
zonisamide and, 199
Pretomanid, 394t
Primaquine, 66–67
carbamazepine and, 267t
ethosuximide and, 299
lamotrigine and, 191
rufinamide and, 204
VPA and, 452t
warfarin and, 506t
PR interval
AEDs and, 203
digoxin and, 286t
phenytoin and, 403, 412
in geriatrics, 114t
renal drug transporters and, 30, 30t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 107t
Progesterone, 284t
Prolonged intermittent RRT (PIRRT), 478, 480
Promethazine, 110t
digoxin and, 288t
lidocaine and, 350t
theophylline and, 436t
warfarin and, 507t
Propantheline, 110t
carbamazepine and, 268t
phenobarbital and, 392t
clearance of, 31t
in geriatrics, 103t, 104, 105t
with LMWHs, 325t
UFH and, 319t
Propylthiouracil, 506t
Protamine sulfate
LMWHs and, 324–325, 325t
UFH and, 318–319, 318t
Protease inhibitors
carbamazepine and, 267t, 268t
warfarin and, 506t
Protein binding
of aminoglycosides, 129
of antidepressants, 178
of antirejection agents, 241
of cannabidiol, 214t
of carbamazepine, 261, 261t
of cenobamate, 217t
CF and, 88
of clobazam, 208, 208t
of digoxin, 280t
distribution and, 81–82
of eslicarbazepine, 211, 211t
of ethosuximide, 297
of ezogabine, 207t
of felbamate, 177t
of gabapentin, 189t
GFR and, 82
hemodialysis and, 38t
of lacosamide, 202, 202t
of lamotrigine, 191t
of levetiracetam, 196, 196t
of lidocaine, 343
of oxcarbazepine, 198t
of perampanel, 209t
pharmacokinetics and, 100
of phenobarbital, 388, 388t
of phenytoin, 405–406
of pregabalin, 200t
of rufinamide, 203t
of stiripentol, 215, 216t
of theophylline, 428
of tiagabine, 193t
of topiramate, 194, 194t
of UFH, 306
of vancomycin, 461
V and, 32
of vigabatrin, 205t
of VPA, 446–447, 452
of warfarin, 496–497, 496t
Proton-pump inhibitors
in geriatrics, 101, 112t
mycophenolate and, 249, 250t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
in geriatrics, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Psychiatry, 71–72
CHF and, 350
theophylline and, 437t
Pulmonary embolism (PE)
fondaparinux and, 328
LMWHs and, 320
UFH and, 312, 312t, 314, 315t
UIFH and, 308
Pyridoxine, 392t
Pyrilamine, 110t
QRS interval, phenytoin and, 403, 412
QT interval
lidocaine and, 340
phenytoin and, 403, 412
rufinamide and, 204
Quazepam, 111t
carbamazepine and, 268t
phenobarbital and, 394t
Quinapril, 31t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
digoxin and, 288t
in geriatrics, 103t, 107t
with LMWHs, 325t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
UFH and, 319t
warfarin and, 507t
Quinine, 507t
Quinolones, 436t
Raloxifene, 31t
CKD and, 35t
hemodialysis and, 40t
CKD and, 35t
in geriatrics, 114t
hemodialysis and, 40t
VPA and, 451
Ranolazine, 288t
Reboxetine, 31t
Renal insufficiency/disease. See also Acute kidney injury; Chronic kidney disease; End-stage renal disease
antidepressants and, 178
clobazam and, 208t
ethosuximide and, 300
ezogabine and, 207t
gabapentin and, 190t
levetiracetam and, 196t
lidocaine and, 351
oxcarbazepine and, 197
perampanel and, 210t
phenobarbital and, 395t
UFH and, 306, 310t
vigabatrin and, 205
VPA and, 453
warfarin and, 511
Repaglinide, 31t, 68t
Reserpine, 110t
Ribavirin, 506t
carbamazepine and, 267t
digoxin and, 289t
lidocaine and, 350t
phenobarbital and, 392t
phenytoin and, 413t
theophylline and, 436t
Rimegepant, 394t
Risperidone, 394t
carbamazepine and, 268t
digoxin and, 289t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
CKD and, 35t
in geriatrics, 101, 113t, 114t
Rivastigmine, 101
Roflumilast, 394t
BCRP and, 69t
clearance of, 31t
SLC and, 68t
Roux-en-Y bypass, 54
Rufinamide, 203–204, 204t
dosing of, 187t
Salazar-Corcoran equation, 19
in geriatrics, 104
phenytoin and, 413t
warfarin and, 508t
Sampling time
for aminoglycosides, 139, 142f
for antidepressants, 175
for carbamazepine, 264–265
for ethosuximide, 298–299
for lidocaine, 348, 348t
for lithium, 366
for phenobarbital, 390–291
for phenytoin, 409–410
for theophylline, 432–433
for UFH, 314–315, 315t
for VPA, 450–451
Saquinavir, 268t
Schwartz formula, 83
Scopolamine, 110t
Screening Tool of Older Persons potentially inappropriate Prescriptions (STOPP), 109
Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment (START), 109
Secobarbital, 111t
Sefcick, A. A., 499
Selective serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 164
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 164
dosing of, 171
in geriatrics, 113t
therapeutic range of, 175–176
warfarin and, 508t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs)
dosing of, 171
in geriatrics, 113t
carbamazepine and, 266t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
in geriatrics, 101
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
phenobarbital and, 395t
phenytoin and, 413t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Serum creatinine (SCr)
for kidney function assessment, 12–14
in pediatrics, 83
Short bowel syndrome, 54
Short QT syndrome, 204
Shoulder-hand syndrome, 392t
digoxin and, 289t
phenobarbital and, 394t
carbamazepine and, 267t
clearance of, 31t
Sirolimus, 234
corticosteroids and, 245
distribution of, 240, 241t
dosing of, 236t, 237t–238t
drug-gene interactions with, 250–251, 251t
elimination of, 242, 243t
molecular weight of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
phenobarbital and, 394t
protein binding of, 241
therapeutic range of, 244, 244t
Sitagliptin, 31t
Sleep-inducing medications, 101
antidepressants and, 163, 178–179
cystatin C and, 13
pediatrics and, 85t
pharmacogenetics and, 67
theophylline and, 436t, 437t
warfarin and, 506t, 511
Solute carrier (SLC), 67, 68t
Sorafenib, 394t
Sorbitol, 392t
CKD and, 35t
digoxin and, 286t
Spinal cord injury
aminoglycosides and, 149
CrCl and, 16
LMWHs and, 320
CKD and, 35t
digoxin and, 285t, 289t
in geriatrics, 114t
Standard dose, standard interval (SDSI), for aminoglycosides, 124–125, 125t–126t, 132–133, 138–144
Status asthmaticus, 424
Status epilepticus
phenobarbital and, 387, 390t
phenytoin and, 403
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS)
carbamazepine and, 265, 269
ethosuximide and, 299
phenytoin and, 407–408
dosing of, 187t
St. John's wort, 289t
Sucralfate, 506t
Sulfamethoxazole, 89
BCRP and, 69t
in pediatrics, 86t
in pediatrics, 82
phenytoin and, 413t
Sulfonylureas, 112t
Sulindac, 112t
Sunitinib, 394t
Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (SV2A), 195, 212
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH)
carbamazepine and, 265, 269
in geriatrics, 113t
Systemic lupus erythematosus
ethosuximide and, 299
phenytoin and, 411
Tacrine, 436t
Tacrolimus, 233–234
absorption of, 238–240, 240t
carbamazepine and, 267t
dosing of, 235t–236t, 237t–238t
drug-gene interactions with, 250–251, 251t
elimination of, 242, 243t
molecular weight of, 251, 251t
pharmacodynamics of, 245–248, 247t
protein binding of, 241
therapeutic monitoring of, 245
therapeutic range of, 244, 244t
Tadalafil, 394t
Tait, R. C., 499
in geriatrics, 101
phenobarbital and, 394t
warfarin and, 508t
Tazemetostat, 394t
99mTc-labeled diethylenetriamine, 56, 82
Telaprevir, 289t
Temazepam, 105t, 106, 111t
ABC and, 68t
hemodialysis and, 40t
SLC and, 68t
Terao, T., 364
Terazosin, 110t
Terbinafine, 436t
in geriatrics, 104, 112t
warfarin and, 508t
digoxin and, 289t
hemodialysis and, 40t
lithium and, 372
warfarin and, 507t
Theophylline, 423–436, 425t–430t, 433t–438t
DDIs with, 435, 435t–436t
dosing of, 430–431
in geriatrics, 105t
in pediatrics, 84t, 85
V of, 32
Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). See also Drug concentration monitoring
of AEDs, 185–186
of antirejection agents, 245
for brivaracetam, 213
of carbamazepine, 264–265
of digoxin, 283–284, 283t–285t
of ethosuximide, 298–299
of fondaparinux, 328
of lithium, 366–368, 367f, 368t
of LMWHs, 323
of phenobarbital, 30
of phenytoin, 409–410
of theophylline, 432–433, 433t–434t
of UFH, 313–315, 315t
of vancomycin, 469, 469t
of VPA, 450–451
of warfarin, 502–503
Therapeutic range
of antidepressants, 172–175, 173t–174t
of carbamazepine, 264
of digoxin, 283, 283t
of ethosuximide, 298
of lidocaine, 348
of lithium, 365–366, 366t
of LMWHs, 323
of phenobarbital, 389, 389t–390t
of phenytoin, 406, 409
of theophylline, 431–432
of UFH, 311–312, 312t, 313t
of vancomycin, 467–468
of VPA, 449–451
of warfarin, 502, 502t
Thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT), 234
Thioridazine/mesoridazine, 393t
Thrombocytopenia. See also Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
LMWHs and, 324
UFH and, 314
VPA and, 451
Tiagabine, 192–193, 193t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 186t
in geriatrics, 101
VPA and, 452t
Ticagrelor, 394t
Ticarcillin, 88, 89
Ticarcillin/clavulanate, 40t
phenytoin and, 413t
theophylline and, 436t
Tigecycline, 36t
Time to steady state
of aminoglycosides, 130, 130t
of antirejection agents, 243
of carbamazepine, 263, 263t
of digoxin, 281t
of ethosuximide, 297, 298t
of lidocaine, 345, 345t–346t
of lithium, 362–363, 363t
of phenobarbital, 389, 389t
of phenytoin, 408
of theophylline, 430, 430t
of vancomycin, 462, 462t–463t
of VPA, 448, 448t
of warfarin, 496t, 497
Tinzaparin, 320t, 321t
Tobacco. See Smoking
dosing for, 126, 127t
hemodialysis and, 40t
in pediatrics, 87
Tolbutamide, 105t
Tolmetin, 112t
Tolterodine, 508t
Tolvaptan, 289t
Topiramate, 193–195, 194t
carbamazepine and, 266t
CKD and, 36t
dosing of, 186t
in geriatrics, 101
hemodialysis and, 40t
lithium and, 372
VPA and, 452t
Topotecan, 68t
Toremifene, 101
Toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN)
carbamazepine and, 269
phenytoin and, 407–408
carbamazepine and, 267t
in geriatrics, 113t, 114t
warfarin and, 508t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
in geriatrics, 103t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Triamterene, 114t
Triazolam, 101, 105t, 111t
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 163–164
carbamazepine and, 266
dosing of, 171
ethosuximide and, 299
in geriatrics, 105, 113t
lithium and, 364
therapeutic range of, 172–173
Trihexyphenidyl, 110t
CKD and, 36t
phenytoin and, 413t
in geriatrics, 113t
hemodialysis and, 41t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
in geriatrics, 111t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Triprolidine, 110t
Tumor necrosis factor, 100
Unfractionated heparin (UFH), 304–319, 306t, 307t, 308f, 309t–313t, 315t–319t
DDIs with, 319, 319t
dosing of, 304–305, 307–311, 308f, 309t–311t
pharmacokinetics of, 305–306, 306t, 307t, 308–311, 309t–311t
toxicity of, 316, 317t–318t
Unstable angina (UA), 328
Urate, 68t
Uric acid, 68t
Uridine 5′-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT)
AEDs and, 197
carbamazepine and, 261, 266
cenobamate and, 218
eslicarbazepine and, 211
ezogabine and, 206
mycophenolate and, 248
prednisone and, 249
VPA and, 447, 451
Valbenazine, 394t
Valganciclovir, 41t
Valproate (valproic acid, VPA), 443–453, 444t–446t, 448t, 452t
carbamazepine and, 266t, 268t
drug concentration monitoring for, 4
ethosuximide and, 299–300
in geriatrics, 106
lamotrigine and, 191
phenobarbital and, 393t
phenytoin and, 413t
zonisamide and, 200
Valsartan, 31t
Vancomycin, 457–481, 459t–465t, 469t–471t, 472f, 478t–480t
aminoglycosides and, 147
clearance of, 31t, 462, 462t
CrCl and, 56
dosing of, 458–460, 459t, 460t, 463–467, 463t–465t
drug concentration monitoring for, 4
in geriatrics, 107t
hemodialysis and, 41t
in pediatrics, 88
toxicity of, 7
Vandetanib, 289t
Vecuronium, 267t
Vemurafenib, 289t
CKD and, 36t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Venous thromboembolism (VTE)
fondaparinux and, 327
LMWHs and, 320, 322–323, 325
UFH and, 304, 307–308
warfarin and, 494, 502t
Ventricular fibrillation (VF), 340
Ventricular tachycardia (VT), 340
carbamazepine and, 268t
clearance of, 31t
digoxin and, 289t
in geriatrics, 103t
Vigabatrin, 204–206, 205t
CKD and, 36t
dosing of, 187t
hemodialysis and, 41t
rufinamide and, 204
VPA and, 451, 452t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
phenobarbital and, 394t
therapeutic range of, 174t
digoxin and, 287t
phenobarbital and, 394t
Vitamin D
in pediatrics, 79t
phenobarbital and, 392t
Vitamin E
in pediatrics, 79t
warfarin and, 507t
Vitamin K
phenobarbital and, 392t
warfarin and, 494, 494t, 500, 506t, 511
VKOR complex unit 1 (VKORCI), 71, 497, 499
Vogel, F., 67
Volume of distribution (V), 32
of antirejection agents, 241, 241t
of cannabidiol, 214t
of carbamazepine, 261, 261t
of cenobamate, 217t
of clobazam, 208t
of digoxin, 280t, 283
of eslicarbazepine, 211t
of ethosuximide, 297, 297t
of lidocaine, 342, 342t–343t
of lithium, 361, 361t
with obesity, 55
of phenobarbital, 387, 388t
of stiripentol, 216t
of theophylline, 428, 428t
of UFH, 306, 307t
of vancomycin, 461, 461t, 477
of VPA, 446, 446t
of warfarin, 496, 496t
hemodialysis and, 41t
phenobarbital and, 393
phenytoin and, 413t
DDIs with, 176t
dosing of, 165t, 167t
metabolism of, 170t
pharmacokinetics of, 168t
phenobarbital and, 394t
therapeutic range of, 174t
Voxelotor, 394t
Warfarin, 71, 493–511, 494t–496t, 498t, 500t–502t, 505t–509t
carbamazepine and, 266t
DDIs with, 506–510, 506t–508t
dosing of, 494–496, 495t, 498–501, 498t, 500t, 501t
in geriatrics, 105t, 106, 108
with LMWHs, 325t
in pediatrics, 82
phenobarbital and, 393
phenytoin and, 413t
UFH and, 308, 319t
White blood cells (WBCs)
antirejection agents and, 247t
carbamazepine and, 266
LDEI and, 144
Withering, William, 277
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
digoxin and, 277
lidocaine and, 340
Xanthines, 30
theophylline and, 436t
warfarin and, 507t
in geriatrics, 111t
phenobarbital and, 394t
Zanubrutinib, 394t
Zetin, M., 364
clearance of, 31t
renal drug transporters and, 30t
VPA and, 452
Zileuton, 436t
in geriatrics, 101, 111t
phenobarbital and, 395t
Zonisamide, 199–200, 199t
carbamazepine and, 266t
dosing of, 186t
topiramate and, 195