abbreviated new drug application (ANDA), 22
abbreviations for medication dosage forms, 98, 264
acronyms. see alphabet soup
ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion), 84
administration technique error, 156
admixtures, infusions of, 34, 39, 230
adverse drug reaction, 36, 157
advice-giving response, 272
air embolus, 300
allergic reaction, 300
allergy and disease state information, 13
alphabet soup aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 150–151, 299
billing and reimbursement, 195–196, 330–331
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 98, 264
medication safety, 163, 308
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 186, 323
pharmacy and pharmacy technician, 13, 216
pharmacy informatics and technology, 173–174, 316
pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 25, 222–223
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 122, 279
Alzheimer’s disease, 63, 70, 76
ambulatory patient, 37
ambulatory pharmacy, 12, 28, 29
amphotericin B, 33–34, 37
ampules, 146
angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, 71
antiepileptic drugs, 70, 73
antihistamines, 72
antithyroid drugs, 72
aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 143–153, 297–304
ASHP/ACPE-accredited technician training program, 14, 215, 216
ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Institutional Use of Controlled Substances, 323–334
ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Single-Unit and Unit-Dose Packages of Drugs, 293
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 71, 74
automated compounding, 301–302
automated counting devices, 31
automated dispensing devices, 48, 118
automated dispensing model, decentralized, 280
average wholesale price (AWP), 190
barcode medication administration (BCMA), 171
beads, 264
benchmark prices, 190
beyond-use-dates (BUDs), 134, 135, 293
biennial inventory, 18
billing and reimbursement, 189–198, 329–333
bioavailability, 84, 85
biological products, 23
biopharmaceutics, 83
biotech drugs, 38
bleeding, IV therapy and, 300
body mass index (BMI), 286
body surface area (BSA), 286
bronchodilator, 71
calcium channel blockers, 71
calculation errors, 311–312
caplets, 93
capsules, 93
captopril, 86
catheters, 34, 36, 228
ceftriaxone, 33, 228
celecoxib (Celebrex), 74
cephalosporin antibiotics, 33
chain pharmacy, 28
chemotherapy, 75
child-resistant packaging, 24
ciprofloxacin, 86
Class I recall, 182, 321
Class II recall, 182, 321
Class III recall, 182, 321
clinical decision support rights, 316
clinic pharmacy, 29
clonazepam (Klonopin), 32, 227
color-coding drug product packaging, 159–160
Combat Methamphetamine Epidemic Act, 21, 23
communication and teamwork, 103–113, 269–273
community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 27–41, 227–231
community pharmacy, 28, 29, 223
compliance error, 156
compounded prescriptions, 13, 215
compounding automated, 301–302
nonsterile, 133
sterile, 47, 143
total parenteral nutrition, 301–302
computerized physician order entry (CPOE), 47, 171
continuing education (CE), 202, 337–338
continuing professional development (CPD), 337–338
controlled substances ordering, receiving, and storing, 323–324
prescriptions for, 20–21, 23, 25
storage and documentation of, 46–47
corticosteroids, 71–72, 73
creams, 93–94
credentialing, 15, 217
crossword puzzle aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 152–153, 304
billing and reimbursement, 197–198, 333
communication and teamwork, 112–113, 273
community, ambulatory care, and
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 52–53, 238
human body, 66–67, 244
learning strategies, 6, 212
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 98–99, 265
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 140–141
pharmacy and pharmacy technician, 15–16, 217
pharmacy calculations, 130–131, 287
pharmacy informatics and technology, 175–177, 318
pharmacy technicians in the real world, 205–206, 339
cytotoxic agents, 146
decentralized pharmacies, 44–45
diphenoxylate, 24, 222
disease state management, 32, 37
dispensing fee, 36
diuretics, 71
dosage form error, 156
dosing information, 13
drug classifications and pharmacologic actions, 69–82, 247–252
drug distribution service, 46
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), 18, 221, 324
drug excretion, 85
drug shortages, 46
drug storage, 46
drug utilization review (DUR), 37
electronic health record (EHR), 170, 317
emotional intelligence, 5, 211
emulsions, 94
enteral nutrition, 37
ephedrine, 221
e-prescribing, 171
erythropoietin, 38
ethical principles, 19
ExCPT exam, 12
expectorants, 72
extended-release products, 263–264
extravasation, 300
extrinsic motivation, 5, 6, 211, 212
failure and mode effects analysis (FMEA), 310–311
filgrastim, 38
fill in the blank aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 149–150, 299
billing and reimbursement, 194–195, 330
biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 89, 256
communication and teamwork, 111, 271
community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 39, 230
drug classifications and pharmacologic actions, 80–82, 251
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 51, 237
human body, 65, 243
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 97, 262
medication safety, 165, 309
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 140
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 185–186, 323
pharmacy technicians in the real world, 204, 337
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 121, 279
first-pass metabolism, 84, 85
fixed mindset, 5, 6, 211, 212
fluoxetine, 73
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 18, 221
forged prescriptions, 25, 118, 223
gels, 94
generic drugs, 22, 24, 36, 221–222
glycerin, 92–93
grit, 6, 212
growth mindset, 5, 6, 211, 212
hazardous drugs (HDs), 302
receiving and storing, 324–325
spills of, 303
healthcare institution management, 44
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 18, 29, 37, 221
health screenings, 32
heart contractions/heart rhythms, 243
high-alert medication, 158, 161
histamine-2 receptor antagonists (H2 antagonists), 72
home care pharmacy, 30
home infusion services, 33–34, 37
horizontal LAFW, 302
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 43–53, 235–238
hospital clinical pharmacy services, 45
hospital formulary, 46, 49, 180
human body, structure and function, 57–67, 241–244
hydrocodone, 24
hyperlipidemia, 71
ideal body weight (IBW), 286
immunizations, 32–33
incompatibilities, 300
infection, IV therapy and, 300
infusions of admixtures, 34, 39, 230
infusion systems, 35–36
institutional patient assistance programs (IPAPs), 332
institutional pharmacy, 12
insulin, 72, 74
internet research pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 25, 223
intrinsic motivation, 5, 6, 211, 212
inventory, biennial, 18
inventory management and control, 180, 182, 280
isotretinoin, 32, 37, 227
IV admixture programs, 143, 144
IV therapy risks, 300–301
job application/hiring process, 202, 203
judgmental response, 271–272
kidneys, 243
labeling home care medication, 34
IV products, 146
medication, 51, 237
prescription, 31, 117, 118, 277
laminar airflow workbench (LAFW), 144, 145, 302
layers, of extended-release form, 264
learning strategies, 3–6, 211–212
“legend” drugs, 23, 29, 37, 222
levigation agents, 135
liquid medications, 263
lorazepam, 24
Low-Income Subsidy (LIS), 191
lozenges, 93, 136
mail order pharmacy, 28–29
managed care pharmacy, 28
matching aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 148, 297
billing and reimbursement, 193, 329
biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 87–88, 255
communication and teamwork, 109, 270
community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 35–36, 228
drug classifications and pharmacologic actions, 75–77, 248–249
human body, 61–62, 241–242
learning strategies, 5, 211
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 95–96, 261–262
medication safety, 162–163, 308
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 137–138
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 182–183, 321
pharmacy and pharmacy technician, 12–13, 215
pharmacy informatics and technology, 172, 315
pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 23, 222
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 118–119, 277
matrix, 264
“meaningful use” program, 170
MedGuides, 22, 70
Medicaid patient’s medication profile, 29
Medicare part B, 191
Medicare part D, 192, 193
medication carts, 48
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 91–99, 261–265
medication error rate, 156
medication safety, 155–165, 307–312
medication therapy management (MTM), 39
medication-use evaluation (MUE), 48, 50, 51, 237
meperidine, 24
metformin (Glucophage), 74
methadone, 24
methylphenidate, 24, 221
monitoring error, 156
mortar and pestle, 293
multiple choice aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 144–147, 297
billing and reimbursement, 190–193, 329
biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 84–86, 255
communication and teamwork, 104–109, 269–270
community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 28–34, 227–228
drug classifications and pharmacologic actions, 70–75, 247
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 44–49, 235–238
human body, 58–61, 241
learning strategies, 4, 211
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 92–95, 261
medication safety, 156–161, 307
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 134–136
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 180–182, 321
pharmacy and pharmacy technician, 10–12, 215
pharmacy calculations, 124–125, 283
pharmacy informatics and technology, 170–172, 315
pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 18–23, 221–222
pharmacy technicians in the real world, 202–203, 337
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 116–118, 277
multiple sclerosis (MS), 70
muscle relaxers, 72
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP), 18, 24, 222
National drug code (NDC), 31, 180
nitrates, 71
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 133–142, 291–294
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 72
nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, 75
OBRA-90, 30
opioids, 74
oral Factor Xa inhibitor, 75
oral solutions, 92
Orange Book, 22, 24
ordering community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 38, 230
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 49, 236
human body, 63, 242
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 137
pharmacy calculations, 125–126, 283
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 119, 278
osmotic pump, 264
over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, 29
pain, assessment of, 72
Parkinson’s disease treatment, 70, 73
particulate matter, 300
patient assistance programs (PAPs), 332
patient counseling, 19
patient package inserts, 22, 221
patient privacy, 18, 24, 25, 29, 37, 221, 223
patient profile, 280
penicillin antibiotics, 33
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 179–187, 321–325
pharmacodynamics, 83
pharmacokinetics, 84
pharmacy, 11–16, 215–217
ambulatory, 12, 28, 29
chain, 28
clinic, 29
community, 28, 29, 223
decentralized, 44–45
home care, 30
institutional, 12
mail order, 28–29
managed care, 28
telepharmacy, 172
pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), 191–192
pharmacy calculations, 123–131, 283–287
pharmacy informatics and technology, 169–175, 315–318
pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 17–25
pharmacy satellite, 51
pharmacy technician, 10–12
ambulatory care and community pharmacies and, 30
biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics, 256–257
certification, 10–11, 12, 15, 202, 215, 216
certification renewal, 12, 15
Code of Ethics, 11
continuing education, 202, 337–338
continuing professional development, 337–338
defined, 104
duties, 10, 13
duties in hospital clinical pharmacy, 45
registration, 17, 24, 202
responsibilities, 11
role in pharmacy informatics, 316–317
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), 12
Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE), 12
Pharmacy Technician Forum, 14, 217
phenobarbital, 24
phlebitis, 301
placating response, 272
prescription identification card, 331
prescription monitoring programs, 18–19
priming IV tubing, 302–303
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 115–122, 277–280
professional organization benefits, 338
prospective payment, 332
Protected health information (PHI), 24, 25
pseudoephedrine, 21, 221
pyrogens, 300–301
quality control, 51, 237
quality improvement, 51, 237
quizzing response, 272
real world, pharmacy technician in the, 201–206, 337–339
recalls, 181–183
relationship management, 5, 211, 212
repackaging, 136, 293
retrospective payment, 332
Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) drugs, 32
root cause analysis, 311
routes of administration, 91, 92, 256
Safety Data Sheet (SDS), 134
Schedule I prescription, 24, 222
Schedule II drugs, 324
prescription for, 19, 20, 21, 221, 222
Schedule III drugs, 324
prescription for, 20, 221
Schedule IV drugs, 324
prescription for, 20, 221, 222
Schedule V drugs, 324
prescription for, 20, 23, 221, 222
selegiline, 86
self-advocacy, 5, 211
self-management, 5, 6, 211
short answer aseptic technique, sterile
billing and reimbursement, 196, 331–332
biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 89, 256–257
communication and teamwork, 111, 271–272
community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 39, 230
drug classifications and pharmacologic actions, 82, 252
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 51, 237
human body, 65, 243
learning strategies, 5, 211
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 98, 263–264
medication safety, 165, 309–312
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 140
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 187, 323–325
pharmacy and pharmacy technician, 14, 216–217
pharmacy calculations, 130, 286
pharmacy informatics and technology, 174, 316–317
pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 25, 223
pharmacy technicians in the real world, 204, 337–338
processing medications orders and prescriptions, 122, 280
simvastatin, 86
social awareness, 6, 212
solve, pharmacy calculations, 127–129, 284–286
specialty medications, 48–49
spill kit, 146, 303, 325
standard units, 125
STAR safety tool, 156
State Boards of Pharmacy, 19, 222, 324
step therapy, 331
sterile compounding, 47, 143
study protocol, 48
substance inventory, 13
suppositories, 93
compounding, 136
SureScripts, 171
syrups, 92
teamwork, 103, 111, 272
technology downtime planning, 317
telepharmacy, 172
thalidomide, 37
third-party payers, 30–31, 37
third-party reimbursement, 190
time management, 4, 211
total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 34, 37, 147
automated compounding of, 301–302
transitions of care, 48
trituration, 293
troches, 136
true or false aseptic technique, sterile compounding, and IV admixture programs, 148–149, 298
billing and reimbursement, 194, 329–330
biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, 88, 255–256
communication and teamwork, 110–111, 270–271
community, ambulatory care, and home care pharmacy practice, 36–38, 229
drug classifications and pharmacologic actions, 77–80, 249–250
hospital and specialty pharmacy practice, 49–50, 236
human body, 63–64, 242–243
learning strategies, 5, 211
medication dosage forms and routes of administration, 96–97, 262
medication safety, 164–165, 308–309
nonsterile compounding and repackaging, 138–139
pharmaceutical supply chain management, 183–185, 321–322
pharmacy and pharmacy technician, 13, 215–216
pharmacy calculations, 126–127, 283–284
pharmacy informatics and technology, 173, 315–316
pharmacy law, regulations, and standards, 23–24, 222
pharmacy technicians in the real world, 203, 337
processing medication orders and prescriptions, 119–121, 278–279
tunneled central venous catheters, 34
universal precautions, 40
USP Chapter <800>, 324–325
vancomycin, 33, 228
vertical LAFW, 302
vitamins, 75
warfarin, 86
wellness programs, 32
wholesale acquisition cost (WAC), 190
workplace issues affecting medication errors, 309–310