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Chapter 17 Pain Management

Nisha P. Singh

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Chapter 18 Antimicrobial Stewardship

Katherine M. Shea

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Chapter 19 Quality and Performance Measures

Iris Young

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Chapter 2 The Joint Commission

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 3 National Integrated Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations Surveys

Cynthia Williams

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Chapter 4 Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program Surveys

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 5 Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality Surveys

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 6 Achieving Continuous Compliance

Amanda J. Hays

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Chapter 7 Documents Checklist

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 8 Medication Management Standards Checklist

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 9 National Patient Safety Goals Checklist

Natasha C. Nicol

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Chemotherapy Parity (1516)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Clinical Decision Support Systems (1212)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Clinical Investigations of Drugs Used in Elderly and Pediatric Patients (1723)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Clinical Practice Guidelines for Antimicrobial Prophylaxis in Surgery

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Clinical Practice Guidelines for Sustained Neuromuscular Blockade in the Adult Critically Ill Patient

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Clinical Significance of Accurate and Timely Height and Weight Measurements (1721)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Clinician Well-being and Resilience (1825)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Code of Ethics for Pharmacists

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Collaboration on Experiential Education (1827)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Collaborative Practice (1715)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Communication Among Health-System Pharmacy Practitioners, Patients, and Other Health Care Providers (0510)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Patient Care (1511)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Compounded Sterile Preparation Verification (1903)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Computerized Prescriber Order Entry (0105)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Confidence in the U.S. Drug Approval and Regulatory Process (1803)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Continuing Professional Development (0916)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Controlled Substance Diversion and Patient Access (1614)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Controlled Substance Diversion Prevention (1709)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Credentialing and Privileging by Regulators, Payers, and Providers for Collaborative Practice (1907)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Credentialing, Privileging, and Competency Assessment (1415)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Criteria for Medication Use in Geriatric Patients (1221)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Cultural Competency (1613)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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DEA Scheduling of Controlled Substances (1315)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Definition of Meaningful Use of Health Information Technology (1006)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Definitions of Pharmacy Residencies and Fellowships

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Developing Leadership Competencies (1611)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Development of Abuse-Resistant Narcotics (1512)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Direct and Indirect Remuneration Fees (1814)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Direct-to-Consumer Clinical Genetic Tests (1103)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Dispensing by Nonpharmacists and Nonprescribers (0010)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Disposition of Illicit Substances (1522)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Documentation of Patient-Care Services in the Permanent Health Record (1419)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Documentation of Penicillin Allergy as a Component of Antimicrobial Stewardship (1517)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Drug-Containing Devices (1313)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Drug Dosing in Conditions that Modify Pharmacokinetics or Pharmacodynamics (1804)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Drug Dosing in Extracorporeal Therapies (1725)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Drug Names, Labeling, and Packaging Associated with Medication Errors (0020)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Drug Nomenclature (9011)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Drug Product Supply Chain Integrity (1602)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins