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ASHP Statement on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on Reporting Medical Errors

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on Standards-Based Pharmacy Practice in Hospitals and Health Systems

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on Telepharmacy

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Health-System Pharmacist’s Role in National Health Care Quality Initiatives

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Over-the-Counter Availability of Statins

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Antimicrobial Stewardship and Infection Prevention and Control

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist's Role in Clinical Informatics

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Clinical Pharmacogenomics

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Medication Reconciliation

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Primary Care

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist’s Role in Substance Abuse Prevention, Education, and Assistance

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacist's Role with Respect to Drug Delivery Systems and Administration Devices

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee and the Formulary System

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Pharmacy Technician's Role in Pharmacy Informatics

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Role of Health-System Pharmacists in Emergency Preparedness

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Role of Health-System Pharmacists in Public Health

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Role of the Medication Safety Leader

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Roles and Responsibilities of the Pharmacy Executive

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Roles of Pharmacy Technicians

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Use of Dietary Supplements

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on the Use of Medications for Unlabeled Uses

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on Unit Dose Drug Distribution

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Statement on Use of Social Media by Pharmacy Professionals

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Compounding Nonsterile Products in Pharmacies

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Hospital Drug Distribution and Control

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Repackaging Oral Solids and Liquids in Single Unit and Unit Dose Packages

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Technical Assistance Bulletin on Single Unit and Unit Dose Packages of Drugs

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on Strategies for Identifying and Preventing Pneumococcal Resistance

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on the Cessation of Tobacco Use

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on the Institutional Use of 0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection to Maintain Patency of Peripheral Indwelling Intermittent Infusion Devices

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on the Role of Pharmacotherapy in Preventing Venous Thromboembolism in Hospitalized Patients

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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ASHP Therapeutic Position Statement on the Use of Second-Generation Antipsychotic Medications in the Treatment of Adults with Psychotic Disorders

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Automatic Stop Orders (1405)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Availability and Use of Appropriate Vial Sizes (1812)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Ban on Direct-to-Consumer Advertising for Prescription Drugs and Medication-Containing Devices (1624)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Best Practices

Position & Guidance Documents of ASHP

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Biosimilar Medications (1816)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Board Certification for Pharmacists (1225)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Career Counseling (8507)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Career Opportunities for Pharmacy Technicians (1610)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Chapter 1 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Kurt A. Patton

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Chapter 10 Infection Prevention and Control Checklist

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 11 Environment of Care Checklist

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 12 Human Resources Standards Checklist

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 13 United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Compounding Standards: Chapters <795>, <797>, <800>, and <825>

Edited by John P. Uselton, Patricia C. Kienle, and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 14 Medication Management System Tracers

Dima Awad

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Chapter 15 Pharmacy and Therapeutics Activities

Dustin D. Spencer

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Chapter 16 Medication Safety Improvement

Natasha C. Nicol