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Pharmacist Role in the Health Care (Medical) Home (0908)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist's Leadership Role in Anticoagulation Therapy Management (1703)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist’s Leadership Role in Glycemic Control (1719)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist's Right of Conscience and Patient's Right of Access to Therapy (0610)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist’s Role in Accountable Care Organizations (1214)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist's Role in Drug Procurement, Distribution, Surveillance, and Control (0232)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist's Role in Health Care Information Systems (1211)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist’s Role in Population Health Management (1523)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist’s Role in Providing Care for an Aging Population (0902)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist’s Role in Team-Based Care (1215)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist’s Role in Urgent and Emergency Situations (1527)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist's Role on Ethics Committees (1403)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist Support for Dying Patients (0307)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacist Validation of Information Related to Medications (9921)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacists’ Role in Immunization (1309)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacists’ Role in Medication Reconciliation (1117)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacogenomics (1104)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Accreditations, Certifications, and Licenses (1810)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Benefits for the Uninsured (0101)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Department Business Partnerships (1915)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Drug Theft (0303)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Expertise in Sterile Compounding (1911)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Internships (1110)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Residency Training (0917)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Staff Fatigue and Medication Errors (0504)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Student Experiences in Medically Underserved Areas (0913)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Technician Student Drug Testing (1917)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Technician Training and Certification (1912)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Technicians (1216)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Pharmacy Training Models (1829)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Poison Control Center Funding (1121)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Postmarketing Comparative Clinical and Pharmacoeconomic Studies (1004)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Postmarketing Safety Studies (0515)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Preceptor Skills and Abilities (1201)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Premarketing Comparative Clinical Studies (1506)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Prescription Drug Abuse (1526)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Preservation of Antimicrobials for Medical Treatment (1009)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Preventing Exposure to Allergens (1619)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Principles of a Sound Drug Formulary System

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Professional Development as a Retention Tool (0112)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Professional Socialization (1113)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Promoting the Image of Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians (1828)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Promotion of Off-Label Uses (1620)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Protecting Workers from Exposure to Hazardous Drugs (1615)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Public Funding for Pharmacy Residency Training (0325)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Qualifications and Competencies Required to Prescribe Medications (1202)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Qualifications of Pharmacy Technicians in Advanced Roles (1203)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Quality of Pharmacy Education and Expansion of Colleges of Pharmacy (1108)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Quality Patient Medication Information (1513)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins

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Rational Use of Medications (1822)

Edited by Bruce Hawkins