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2 Onboarding: Preparing the Learner to Be Part of the Team

Avani Desai, Jennifer L. Ridings-Myhra, and Sarah Lake-Wallace

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13 Partnerships with Colleges and Schools

David F. Gregory, David D. Allen, and Diane B. Ginsburg

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15 Pharmacy Residencies and Fellowships

Patrick D. Fuller, Rusol Karralli, and Michelle W. McCarthy

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1 Precepting Fundamentals

Christina E. DeRemer, Kisha O’Neal Gant, Nancy D. Ordonez, and Nancy T. Yam

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9 Precepting in New Practice Models

Sunny B. Bhakta, Sandra Leal, and Jill True Robke

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Cover Preceptor’s Handbook for Pharmacists

Preceptor’s Handbook for Pharmacists

Edited by Lourdes M. Cuéllar and Diane B. Ginsburg

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12 Professionalism and Professional Socialization

Lea S. Eiland and Nishaminy Kasbekar

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16 Resiliency and Well-Being

Bryson M. Duhon, Alex C. Varkey, Althea L. Woodruff, Kevin R. Donahue, and Steven A. Scott

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11 Sociological Attributes of Pharmacy Practice

Lourdes M. Cuéllar, Dana S. Fitzsimmons, Liliana Lunares, Magaly Rodriguez de Bittner, and Jeri J. Sias

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4 Successful Preceptor – Learner Relationships

Todd W. Canada and Jeffrey J. Bruno