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Chapter 14: Visual Disturbances

Yaman Kaakeh and Steven R. Abel

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Chapter 15: Delirium

Matthew A. Fuller

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Chapter 16: Sleep Disorders

Lisa L. Forsyth

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Chapter 17: Cognitive Disorders

Michele Y. Splinter

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Chapter 18: Depression

Sheila Botts and Melody Ryan

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Chapter 19: Anxiety

Julie A. Dopheide and Seth Gomez

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Chapter 2: Epidemiology and Public Health Impact of Drug-Induced Diseases

John R. Litaker and James P. Wilson

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Chapter 2: The Pain of Pleasure—The Neurobiology of Opioid Use Disorders

Kevin Thomas McCauley

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Chapter 20: Psychosis

Jessica L. Gören

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Chapter 21: Interstitial Lung Disease/Pulmonary Fibrosis

Jordan R. Covvey and Erin E. Mancl