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32 Outsourcing the Compounding of Sterile Preparations

E. Clyde Buchanan

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4 Sterile Preparation Formulation

Mark G. Klang

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5 Parenteral Nutrition Compounding

Todd W. Canada

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6 Special Considerations in Pediatric Compounding

Kathleen M. Gura

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7 Special Considerations in Compounding Biologicals

Susan Spivey, Kelley Reece, and Ryan Roux

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8 Ancillary Equipment and Supplies

Ryan A. Forrey

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9 Primary Engineering Controls

Richard C. Capps

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Chapter 1: HIV Infection Overview

Elizabeth M. Sherman and Marylee Worley

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Chapter 10: HIV and Tuberculosis

Eric F. Egelund and Emily C. Huesgen

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Chapter 11: HIV Primary Care

Jennifer M. Cocohoba and Betty J. Dong

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Chapter 12: Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Mental Health, Pain, and Substance Use

Jennifer E. Thomas and Joshua Caballero

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Chapter 13: Care of the Transgender Patient

Bryan M. Bishop

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Chapter 14: Women’s Health

E. Kelly Hester

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Chapter 15: Pediatric HIV Infection

Kathleen K. Graham and Ana M. Puga

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Chapter 16: HIV and Cancer

Karim Ibrahim and Alison Yi Jin Wong

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Chapter 17: Transplant and HIV

Melissa Badowski, Sarah E. Pérez, and Elizabeth Hetterman

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Chapter 18: Care Transitions for Persons Living with HIV

Michelle M. Foisy

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Chapter 2: HIV Testing and Diagnosis

Jason J. Schafer

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Chapter 3: Antiretroviral Therapy

P. Brandon Bookstaver, Kristina E. R. Connolly, and Celeste R. Caulder

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Chapter 4: Initiating HIV Treatment and Supporting Adherence

Agnes Cha and Tiffany E. Bias

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Chapter 5: HIV Treatment Failure and Resistance

Janet Grochowski and Parya Saberi

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Chapter 6: Preventing HIV Transmission with Antiretroviral Therapy

Katy L. Garrett, Mackenzie L. Cottrell, and Angela DM Kashuba

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Chapter 7: Opportunistic Infections

Christine A. Hughes and Deborah Yoong

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Chapter 8: Viral Hepatitis

Denise Kreutzwiser, Pierre Giguère, and Alice L. Tseng

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Chapter 9: Sexually Transmitted Infections

Deborah V. Kelly and Tony Antoniou

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Cover Compounding Sterile Preparations

Compounding Sterile Preparations

Edited by E. Clyde Buchanan, Philip J. Schneider, and Ryan A. Forrey

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Cover HIV Pharmacotherapy: The Pharmacist’s Role in Care and Treatment

HIV Pharmacotherapy: The Pharmacist’s Role in Care and Treatment

Edited by Jason J. Schafer, Jennifer M. Cocohoba, Elizabeth M. Sherman, and Alice L. Tseng

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Chapter 1: Introduction to Acute and Ambulatory Care Health-System Pharmacy Practice

Douglas J. Scheckelhoff and Kasey K. Thompson

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Chapter 10: Electronic Data Management: Electronic Health Record Systems and Computerized Provider Order Entry Systems

Asli Ozdas Weitkamp, Scott D. Nelson, Shane Stenner, and S. Trent Rosenbloom

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Chapter 11: Automation in Practice

Brad Ludwig and Jack Temple

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Chapter 12: Purchasing and Inventory Control

Jerrod Milton

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Chapter 13: Basics of Financial Management and Cost Control

Andrew L. Wilson

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Chapter 14: Providing Sustainable Pharmacy Services in Ambulatory Care

David A. Holdford

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Chapter 15: Sterile Preparations and Admixture Programs

Ryan A. Forrey and Philip J. Schneider

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Chapter 16: Parenteral Therapy

Julie A. Patterson and David A. Holdford

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Chapter 17: Leadership and Management

David A. Holdford

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Chapter 18: Recruiting, Selecting, and Managing Pharmacy Personnel

David A. Holdford and Emily C. Prabhu

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Chapter 19: Preparing for Careers in Hospitals and Health Systems

Thomas P. Reinders and David A. Holdford

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Chapter 2: Overview of the History of Hospital Pharmacy in the United States

William A. Zellmer

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Chapter 20: Career Options for Technicians in Hospitals and Health Systems

Jennifer Phillips and Carrie A. Sincak

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Chapter 3: Key Legal and Regulatory Issues in Health-System Pharmacy Practice

John P. Uselton and Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 4: Medication Management

Kathy A. Chase

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Chapter 5: Clinical Pharmacy

John E. Murphy

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Chapter 6: Medication Safety

David A. Holdford

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Chapter 7: Medication Distribution Systems

Stephen F. Eckel, Jami E. Mann, and Fred M. Eckel

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Chapter 8: Controlled Substances Management

George J. Dydek and David J. Tomich

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Chapter 9: Informatics

Bruce W. Chaffee

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Cover Introduction to Acute & Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice

Introduction to Acute & Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Practice

Edited by David A. Holdford

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1. USP <800> Availability

Edited by Patricia C. Kienle

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10. Storage of Hazardous Drugs

Edited by Patricia C. Kienle