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Chapter 3: Identifying Acidic and Basic Functional Groups

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Chapter 30: Medication Dosing in Patients with Hepatic Dysfunction

Curt W. Quap

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Chapter 31: Intravenous to Oral Therapy Conversion

Curt W. Quap

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Chapter 32: Antibiotic Streamlining

Oscar E. Guzman

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Chapter 33: Aminoglycoside Dosing

Whitney Y. Hung

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Chapter 34: Parenteral Anticoagulant Therapy

Jennifer D. Van Cura-Frame

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Chapter 35: Oral Anticoagulant Therapy

Jorge A. Berrios

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Chapter 36: Pain Management

Trinh T. Bui

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Chapter 37: Adult Enteral Nutrition

Karrie Derenski

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Chapter 38: Adult Parenteral Nutrition

Karrie Derenski

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Chapter 39: Patient Counseling

Nisha Pherwani

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Chapter 4: Director of Pharmacy

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 4: Solving pH and pKa Problems

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Chapter 40: Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting

Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 41: Medication Safety

Natasha Nicol

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Chapter 42: Neonatal and Infant Patients for Technicians

Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 43: Pediatric and Adolescent Patients for Technicians

Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 44: Adult Patients for Technicians

Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 45: Geriatric Patients for Technicians

Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 46: Compounding Sterile Preparations

Patricia C. Kienle

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Chapter 47: Compounding Hazardous Drugs

Patricia C. Kienle

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Chapter 48: Compounding Nonsterile Preparations

Patricia C. Kienle

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Chapter 49: Repackaging Medications

Robert C. Jordin

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Chapter 5: Clinical Manager

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 5: Salts and Solubility

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Chapter 50: Controlled Substances

Heidi H. Bragg

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Chapter 51: Medication Area Inspections

Robert C. Jordin

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Chapter 6: Drug Binding Interactions

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Chapter 6: Staff Pharmacist

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 7: Purchasing Technician

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 7: Stereochemistry and Drug Action

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Chapter 8: Drug Metabolism

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Chapter 8: Pharmacy Technician

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 9: Resources for Customizing Job Descriptions

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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Chapter 9: Structure Activity Relationships and Basic Concepts in Drug Design

Edited by Marc W. Harrold and Robin M. Zavod

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Cover Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies

Competence Assessment Tools for Health-System Pharmacies

Edited by Lee B. Murdaugh

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I.1: Fundamentals of Measurement and Calculation

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.10: Concentrations of Solutes and Osmolarity

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.11: Specific Dosing Calculations, Thermometry, and Pharmacogenomics

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.12: Reconstitution of Solutions and Suspensions and Flow Rate Calculations

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.2: Systems of Measurement and Conversions

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.3: Principles of Weighing and Measuring

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.4: Prescriptions and Drug Orders

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.5: Reducing and Enlarging Formulas

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.6: Density, Specific Gravity, and Specific Volume

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.7: Concentration Statements

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.8: Concentrating and Diluting Solutions or Mixtures

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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I.9: Isotonicity

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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II.1: Fundamentals of Measurement and Calculation

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz

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II.10: Concentrations of Solutes and Osmolarity

Edited by Nicholas Ferencz