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CH 1.3 Estimating Kidney Function

John E. Murphy

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Jacquelyn L. Bainbridge, Pei Shieen Wong, Sarah N. Rajkovic, and Grace S. Chin

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CH 1.1 General Pharma­cokinetic Applications

John E. Murphy

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CH 2.1 General Pharmacokinetic Applications

John E. Murphy

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17 Hematology: Blood Coagulation Tests

Lea E. Dela Peña

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16 Hematology: Red and White Blood Cell Tests

Michael D. Katz and Timothy C. Jacisin

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18 Infectious Diseases: Bacteria

Sharon M. Erdman, Rodrigo M. Burgos, and Keith A. Rodvold

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19 Infectious Diseases: Fungi, Viruses, and Mycobacteria

Rodrigo M. Burgos, Sharon M. Erdman, and Keith A. Rodvold

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12 Interpretation of Laboratory Tests Associated with the Assessment of Nutritional Status

Lingtak-Neander Chan and Sharon Wu

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5 Interpretation of Serum Drug Concentrations

Riane Ghamrawi and Lindsay Benedik