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Chapter 1: Pharmacogenomics: Current and Future Promise

Martin M. Zdanowicz

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Chapter 10: Infectious Diseases

Edward Grace and Christopher Farrell

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Chapter 11: Respiratory Diseases

Samit Shah and David Ha

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Chapter 12: Toxicogenomics

Helen E. Smith

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Chapter 13: The Pharmacogenetics of Addiction

Patti W. Adams and Erika E. Tillery

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Chapter 14: Pharmacogenomics and Diabetes Mellitus

Launa M. J. Lynch and Kimberly L. Barefield

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Chapter 15: Pharmacogenomic Testing and Drug Labeling

Kimberly L. Barefield, James W. Fetterman Jr., and Andria Fetterman

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Chapter 16 Pharmacogenomics in Practice: The Role of the Pharmacist

Keri C. Anderson and Kenric B. Ware

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Chapter 17: Ethics and Pharmacogenomics

Sally A. Huston

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Chapter 18: Future of Pharmacogenomics in Clinical Practice

Rocco J. Rotello and Miriam A. Ansong