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Chapter 4: Postmarketing Surveillance for Drug-Induced Diseases

Tobias Peschel and Hugh H. Tilson

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Chapter 4: The Role of Pharmacists in Screening and Caring for Patients with Substance Use Disorders

Sarah T. Melton, Merrill Norton, and Michael G. O’Neil

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Chapter 40: Nausea and Vomiting

Saeed K. Alzghari, Bonnie A. Labdi, and Jon D. Herrington

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Chapter 41: Acute Kidney Injury

Amy Barton Pai and Nicole M. Wegrzyn

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Chapter 42: Chronic Kidney Disease

Mary K. Stamatakis

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Chapter 43: Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion and Diabetes Insipidus

Mark A. Malesker and Daniel E. Hilleman

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Chapter 44: Acid–Base Disorders

Lori D. Wazny, J. Christine Davis, and Robert E. Ariano

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Chapter 45: Bleeding Disorders

Tiffany Pon and Jaekyu Shin

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Chapter 46: Thrombocytopenia

Kellie Jones Weddle and Patrick J. Kiel

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Chapter 47: Thromboembolic Diseases

Candice L. Garwood