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Chapter 30: Glucose and Insulin Dysregulation

Devra K. Dang, Frank Pucino Jr., Charles D. Ponte, and Karim Anton Calis

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Chapter 31: Thyroid Diseases

Genevieve Lynn Ness, Judy T. Chen, Betty J. Dong, Frank Pucino Jr., and Karim Anton Calis

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Chapter 32: Hypothalamic, Pituitary, and Adrenal Diseases

Andrew Y. Hwang, Steven M. Smith, and John G. Gums

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Chapter 33: Sexual Dysfunction in Males

Mary Lee and Roohollah Sharifi

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Chapter 34: Gynecologic Diseases and Infertility in Women

Judith A. Smith

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Chapter 35: Upper Gastrointestinal Ulceration

Dianne W. May, Micaela Carroll, and J. Russell May

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Chapter 36: Diarrhea

Sarah A. Nisly and Alison M. Walton

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Chapter 37: Constipation

Sarah A. Nisly and Carolyn M. Jung

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Chapter 38: Hepatic and Cholestatic Diseases

Scott S. Malinowski and Daniel M. Riche

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Chapter 39: Pancreatitis

Pramodini B. Kale-Pradhan and Sheila M. Wilhelm