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Chapter 22: Asthma and Bronchospasm

Suzanne G. Bollmeier and Rebecca L. Stauffer

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Chapter 23: Myocardial Ischemia and Acute Coronary Syndromes

Kevin M. Sowinski

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Chapter 24: Heart Failure

Yazid N. Al Hamarneh and Ross T. Tsuyuki

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Chapter 25: Ventricular Arrhythmias

James E. Tisdale

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Chapter 26: Supraventricular Arrhythmias

James E. Tisdale

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Chapter 27: Hypertension

Liza W. Claus and Joseph J. Saseen

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Chapter 28: Hypotension

Katy E. Trinkley and Robert L. Page II

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Chapter 29: Valvular and Pericardial Heart Disease

Sarah A. Spinler and Frank E. Silvestry

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Chapter 3: Factors Contributing to Drug-Induced Diseases

Tyler Shugg, Abdullah Assiri, and Brian R. Overholser

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Chapter 3: What Is an Opioid Use Disorder?

Wallace J. Cross