Section 1: Silence
Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II
Give to Others, and You Will Receive Tenfold in Return
Stephen J. Allen
It takes only a brief conversation with Steve for one to discover his passion for the pharmacy profession and for patient care. Steve translated his passion into action, leading the development of many notable American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Foundation programs and resources. The ASHP Research and Education Foundation is the philanthropic arm of ASHP and its mission is to improve the health and well-being of patients in health systems through appropriate, safe, and effective medication use.
Steve spent 25 years leading health-system pharmacy operations and then served as the Chief Executive Officer of the ASHP Research and Education Foundation for 19 years before retiring recently. He received his bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island and a master’s degree in hospital pharmacy from the University of Maryland. Steve completed a residency in hospital pharmacy practice at University of Maryland. He is a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
Steve’s advice to young pharmacists is: keep in mind that whatever you invest in this profession of pharmacy, it will likely return to you in tenfold benefits.
Don’t Wait to Retire—Live Now
Christina Adams
Christina Adams grabs your attention with her first sentence: “I never wanted to be a pharmacist.” She traces her career and life to currently serving as the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists Chief Pharmacy Officer. Christina discusses how she maximized opportunities and the learnings and observations from how others are handling retirement. Christina completed pharmacy school at the University of Toronto in 2006.
Don’t wait until you are retired to do all the things you want to do in life. Set yourself up for retirement success, so that if you are one of those unlucky ones who never make it to retirement, then at least you can say, “I lived my life to the fullest,” and if you are blessed with a long life, then you have lots to look forward to in the years to come!
Quality First Leads to Quantity
Lindsey B. (Poppe) Amerine
What you become involved with may not end up looking exactly like what you had planned, but being willing to put yourself out there and apply for a position opens the door for endless opportunities.