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4 Successful Preceptor – Learner Relationships

Todd W. Canada and Jeffrey J. Bruno

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18 Teaching Across Diverse Student Populations

David A. Wallace, Kimberly A. Nguyen, and Grace M. Kuo

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20 Teaching and Learning Methods for Students and Residents

Ashley N. Castleberry, Melinda J. Burnworth, and Nathan D. Pope

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Chapter 5 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting: Residency Showcase and Personnel Placement Service

Benjamin Gross and Catherine B. Hobart

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Chapter 14 Congratulations and Encouragement

Joshua Caballero, Kevin A. Clauson, and Sandra Benavides

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Chapter 4 Contacting Residency and Fellowship Programs

Joshua Caballero, Kevin A. Clauson, and Sandra Benavides

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Chapter 2 Developing Your Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement

Cathi Dennehy and Joshua Caballero

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Chapter 7 Diversity Considerations in Selecting a Residency Program

Calvin C. Daniels and Melissa Santibañez

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Chapter 9 Following Up After the Interview

Jose A. Rey

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Chapter 6 Formally Applying and Getting Ready for a Pharmacy Residency Interview

Milap C. Nahata and Joshua Caballero

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Cover Get the Residency

Get the Residency

ASHP’s Guide to Residency Interviews and Preparation

Joshua Caballero, Kevin A. Clauson, and Sandra Benavides

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Chapter 8 Interview Day

Mary Amato

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Chapter 10 Matching

Shara Summers and Deanne L. Hall

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Chapter 3 Navigating PhORCAS

Benjamin Gross

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Chapter 1 Preparing to Compete for a Pharmacy Residency

Joshua Caballero, Kevin A. Clauson, and Sandra Benavides

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Chapter 13 Resilience in Residency: Navigating Difficult Situations While Maintaining Your Mental Well-Being

Alicia Lopez, Sara A. Thompson, and Lindsey N. Miller

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Chapter 11 You Did Not Match—Finding Your Stepping Stones for Success

Jehan Marino and Julianna Crain

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Chapter 12 You Matched!

Devlin V. Smith

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CHAPTER 10 Billing/Reimbursement and Information Systems

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 7 Medication Dosage Forms, Routes of Administration, and Drug Usage

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 5 Medication Safety

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 3 Pharmacology Review

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 2 Pharmacy Calculations Review

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 9 Pharmacy Inventory Management

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 6 Pharmacy Law and Quality Assurance

Barbara E. Lacher

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Cover Pharmacy Technician Certification Review and Practice Exam

Pharmacy Technician Certification Review and Practice Exam

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 1 Preparing for the Exam and Taking the Test

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 8 Processing Medication Orders and Prescriptions

Barbara E. Lacher

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CHAPTER 4 Sterile and Nonsterile Compounding

Barbara E. Lacher

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Angela T. Cassano, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Beth Phillips, PharmD, FCCP, FASHP, BCPS, BCACP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Beth Steinbeck Williams, PharmD

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Christene Jolowsky, BS Pharm, MS

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Cyndy A. Clegg, BS Pharm, MHA, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Debra Devereaux, BS Pharm, MBA

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Dianna Gatto, PharmD, BCPS

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Donna Soflin, BS Pharm, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Ellen Maddox, PharmD, BCPS

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Erin R. Fox, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Jennifer (Jenny) Arnold, PharmD, BCPS

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Jennifer Loucks, PharmD, BCPS

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Julie R. McCoy, PharmD

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Julie Webb, BS Pharm

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Katherine Benderev, PharmD, MBA

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Lea S. Eiland, PharmD, BCPS, BCPPS, FASHP, FPPAG

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Leigh Briscoe-Dwyer, PharmD, BCPS, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Cover Letters from Women in Pharmacy

Letters from Women in Pharmacy

Stories on Integrating Life and Career

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Linda Tyler, PharmD, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Lindsey R. Kelley, PharmD, MS

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool

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Lourdes M. Cuéllar, BS Pharm, MS, FTSHP, FASHP

Edited by Sara J White, Susan Teil Boyer, and Hannah K. Vanderpool