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4 Successful Preceptor – Learner Relationships

Todd W. Canada and Jeffrey J. Bruno

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18 Teaching Across Diverse Student Populations

David A. Wallace, Kimberly A. Nguyen, and Grace M. Kuo

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20 Teaching and Learning Methods for Students and Residents

Ashley N. Castleberry, Melinda J. Burnworth, and Nathan D. Pope

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Chapter 5 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting: Residency Showcase and Personnel Placement Service

Benjamin Gross and Catherine B. Hobart

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Chapter 14 Congratulations and Encouragement

Joshua Caballero, Kevin A. Clauson, and Sandra Benavides

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Chapter 4 Contacting Residency and Fellowship Programs

Joshua Caballero, Kevin A. Clauson, and Sandra Benavides

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Chapter 2 Developing Your Curriculum Vitae and Personal Statement

Cathi Dennehy and Joshua Caballero

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Chapter 7 Diversity Considerations in Selecting a Residency Program

Calvin C. Daniels and Melissa Santibañez

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Chapter 9 Following Up After the Interview

Jose A. Rey

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Chapter 6 Formally Applying and Getting Ready for a Pharmacy Residency Interview

Milap C. Nahata and Joshua Caballero