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Insight from the Editors: What Will We Choose?

Vibhuti Arya

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CHAPTER 3 John Gregory

George S. Zorich

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CHAPTER 10 Katie MacFarlane and Brian Zorn

George S. Zorich

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George S. Zorich

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“Let’s Meet Over Lunch”

Faria Chaudhry

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CHAPTER 7 Lloyd Myers and Simone Karp

George S. Zorich

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CHAPTER 4 Marla Ahlgrimm

George S. Zorich

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Melanin or Merit? A Pharmacy Student’s Struggle with Racial Identity and Confidence

Kristal Potter

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CHAPTER 9 Navneet Puri

George S. Zorich

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George S. Zorich

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Organizational and Leadership Reflection Questions

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Overcoming Isolation and Rediscovering My Purpose

Dorian Brown

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Pain Has No Prejudice: Implicit Bias in the Setting of Pain Management

Dominique Holliday Cossari

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Prescription of Prejudice

Takova D. Wallace-Gay

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A Racialized Inpatient Sickle Cell Crisis Experience

Joshua Wollen

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Redefining the Concept of Professionalism

Frank Tillman III

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Reflection Questions

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Representation Matters

Najah Ashley Baker

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Section 1: Silence

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Section 2: Isolating Systems

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Section 3: The Status Quo

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Section 4: Malignant Messages

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Self-Reflection Questions

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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Soy Boricua

Natalie Rosario

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The Story of a Biracial Black and Latina Woman’s Career Journey into Pharmacy and Pharmacy Education

Diamond Rose Melendez

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Team- or Group-Based Reflection Questions

Carla Y. White, Paula K. Davis, Vibhuti Arya, Amanda L. Storyward, and Kevin A. Wiltz II

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CHAPTER 1 Vimal Kavuru

George S. Zorich

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Joseph T. Rannazzisi

George S. Zorich

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George S. Zorich

George S. Zorich

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You Are Not Just Your Accomplishments, You Are Enough

Chelsea Sumner

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Be Active, Shape Your Future, and Demonstrate Leadership for Others Following in Your Path

Harold N. Godwin

Harold is so passionate about pharmacy that in addition to his almost 50 years in practice, teaching, and academic leadership, he has continually given his personal time to professional organizations as well as residency training and teaching pharmacy students. What is remarkable about Harold is that he has always been able to step back and view issues from the perspective of the whole profession, not just as a hospital/health-system pharmacist. He has rarely missed a national or state professional meeting, continues to be an instrumental part of whatever change is occurring (preferring not to be a victim), and continues to seize opportunities. His professional commitment is evidenced by his serving as president of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP), the American Council of Pharmacy Education (now known as the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education, or ACPE), the American Pharmacists Association (APhA), and Chair of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS). In his 1991 Harvey A.K. Whitney Award Lecture, he outlined the converging paths leading to the development of pharmaceutical care, which moves pharmacists into direct patient care. He also recently received the profession’s APhA Remington Award.

Harold received his bachelor of science in pharmacy degree at the University of Kansas and his master of science degree from The Ohio State University. He completed a residency at The Ohio State University Hospitals. He is currently Professor Emeritus at the University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy.

Harold ends his letter with excellent advice: a successful career is not a destination, but it is the journey to success that is so very rewarding.

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Be the Voice

Sandra Leal

Those who know Sandra know her as a staunch advocate for the pharmacy profession and a healthcare provider who has dedicated her career to addressing the needs of patients in underserved communities. Early in her career, Sandra served as Medical Director and Clinical Pharmacist at El Rio Community Health Center, a community health center providing accessible and affordable healthcare for underserved populations in Tucson, Arizona. This experience prepared her to later lead an organization that provides medication therapy management services to at-risk Medicare Part D beneficiaries, where she focused on reducing hospitalizations, lowering healthcare costs, and improving outcomes in patients with chronic conditions. Sandra’s immediate past position was Vice President of Collaborative Innovation and Clinical Strategy with Aetna, a CVS Health Company; she was the first pharmacist to hold this position in Medical Affairs. Her current role is Vice President, Pharmacy Practice Innovation and Advocacy with CVS Health.

So passionate is Sandra about being a voice of change and creating a dialogue for others who cannot speak for themselves that the theme of her address when she was installed as the 166th President of the American Pharmacists Association was “Be the voice.” Sandra advises readers to identify what their mission is and create the career that aligns with that.

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Build the Strongest Foundation of Knowledge and Skills That You Can

Thomas J. McGinnis

How many of us, when presented with three job offers, would choose the lowest paying? Not many, I suspect. But that is exactly what Rear Admiral (RADM, ret.) Thomas J. McGinnis did after graduating from pharmacy school, choosing to pass up two more lucrative offers to join the United States Public Health Service (PHS). Tom has spent his entire career in the PHS and, looking back on it, he has never regretted that decision.

Tom’s letter describes his remarkable career at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and later taking the helm of the U.S. Department of Defense’s TRICARE Pharmacy Program, which provides pharmacy care to almost 10 million members of the seven uniformed services and their families. His work has provided many interesting challenges and many opportunities to improve our citizens’ health. One of his most memorable and rewarding experiences was his deployment to storm-ravaged areas along the Gulf Coast in the aftermath of hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

Just before his retirement Tom served as Chief, Pharmaceutical Operations Division, responsible for pharmacy operations of the Defense Health Agency.

He earned his bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from Rutgers University and a certificate in general administration from the University of Maryland. He is a graduate of the Federal Executive Institute.

Tom’s advice to young pharmacists is to record your observations, milestones, and lessons learned over time; build the strongest foundation of knowledge, skills, and contacts that you can; and build a strong personal foundation.

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Do Not Ask More of Your Staff Than You Are Willing to Give

Paul G. Pierpaoli

In talking with Paul, you might be struck by his communication style. His Harvey A.K. Whitney address, “An Iconoclastic Perspective on Progress in Pharmacy Practice,” is evidence of his straight-forward style. Paul is a consummate leader who is willing to fight for what is in the best interests of not only his staff, but his patients. He is willing to challenge the status quo no matter what the personal cost. He continues to be a dedicated mentor to numerous students, residents, and young practitioners by sharing his philosophy and experiences. Paul has given unselfishly of his time to an array of professional organizations and has also served as ASHP President.

Prior to retiring, Paul was Senior Vice President, Pharmacy Practice, at McKesson Medication Management. He had previously served as Director of Pharmacy at Rush-Presbyterian-Saint Luke’s Medical Center, Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, and the University of Connecticut Health Center. Paul died in 2020.

He received his bachelor of science in pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island and completed a residency and master’s degree at the University of Michigan.

He indicates in his letter: Do not agonize over work/personal life conflicts, as trying to compartmentalize your professional life and personal life can be a futile experience for a truly dedicated professional.

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Don’t Fret about Career and Personal Life Balance—There Is No Such Thing

Joyce A. Generali

As you meet Joyce it is immediately obvious she is a gregarious extrovert who has a great sense of humor, and with little prompting she will tell you a joke, many on herself. It is thus easy to imagine her early experience as a bus tour guide telling jokes to keep her charges engaged. Joyce has a serious side as she is an expert and proficient drug information specialist. She put together all the Black Box warnings and published them thus alerting and enabling practitioners to protect patients. Joyce brings a number of years of experience in conducting drug information centers and teaching as a pharmacy faculty while raising a family.

Joyce holds a bachelor of science in pharmacy from the University of Connecticut, School of Pharmacy and a master of science degree from The University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy. She completed residencies at the Medical College of Virginia Hospitals and Kansas University Medical Center. Joyce is currently Director, Synthesized Referential Content, Facts and Comparisons and Professor Emeritus, Kansas University School of Pharmacy.

In her letter, she gives the following advice: Saying goodbye to “perfect” and hello to “it’s done” and learning the difference between the two is a key to being comfortable with the decisions you make on how to spend your time.

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Final Thoughts

Susan A. Cantrell, Sara J. White, and Bruce E. Scott

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Find Your Passion and Pursue It with a Sense of Urgency

Ronald H. Small

In getting to know Ron, you will find him very principled and willing to be candid about his opinions. Ron epitomizes being his own person. He is one of the first people to justify and achieve being a Chief Pharmacy Officer and thus positioned himself at the senior administrative table. Since retiring, he has become a Certified Executive Coach (CEC) to pursue his passion for leadership development by creating and utilizing centers of knowledge and excellence in healthcare processes. Ron focuses on improving healthcare leadership performance by helping individuals to develop and sustain new perspectives, attitudes, skills, and behaviors.

He serves as a primary faculty for the Pharmacy Leadership Academy’s Leading for System Reliability in Safety and Quality Course. Although for most of his career he did not venture far from his North Carolina roots, he traveled to Asia and South America as a speaker and educator in his role as a consultant with Joint Commission International and Joint Commission Resources.

Ron’s bachelor of science in pharmacy and master of science in business administration degrees are from the University of North Carolina. He advises that in his experience, all great success stories have one thing in common: people with passion and a sense of urgency to succeed.

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Follow Your Heart, Seize Opportunities, and Realize There Are Always Trade-Offs

Kathi S. Lucas

Kathi is an example of a woman who “has it all.” She is a dedicated pharmacist and has still found the time and energy to be very active in Boy Scout leadership, even after her son completed scouting. Kathi has always consciously prioritized her family equally with her career, as her letter describes. Before the advent of the concept of transitions of care, Kathi worked collaboratively with nurses, physicians, social workers, and administrators as the bone marrow transplant clinical pharmacist who took care of both the ambulatory and inpatient stays. She is also an example of a clinical practitioner who moved into formal leadership positions but maintained her BCOP certification and indeed did choose to return to clinical practice.

She completed her bachelor of science in pharmacy at Auburn University and her master’s degree in public health at San Jose State University. Kathi is currently the Pharmacy Compliance Coordinator at Stanford Healthcare.

She gives this superb advice: Follow your heart, seize every opportunity, and know that there will always be trade-offs.

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Give to Others, and You Will Receive Tenfold in Return

Stephen J. Allen

It takes only a brief conversation with Steve for one to discover his passion for the pharmacy profession and for patient care. Steve translated his passion into action, leading the development of many notable American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Foundation programs and resources. The ASHP Research and Education Foundation is the philanthropic arm of ASHP and its mission is to improve the health and well-being of patients in health systems through appropriate, safe, and effective medication use.

Steve spent 25 years leading health-system pharmacy operations and then served as the Chief Executive Officer of the ASHP Research and Education Foundation for 19 years before retiring recently. He received his bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Rhode Island and a master’s degree in hospital pharmacy from the University of Maryland. Steve completed a residency in hospital pharmacy practice at University of Maryland. He is a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.

Steve’s advice to young pharmacists is: keep in mind that whatever you invest in this profession of pharmacy, it will likely return to you in tenfold benefits.

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Grow, Create, Lead

Max D. Ray

Max continues to be adroit in not only thinking about critical issues facing pharmacy but in putting his conclusions into publications so others can benefit. This skill is evidenced in his 1997 Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture, “Letters from the Edge,” in which he writes three imaginary letters on what is meant by professional practice, the qualifications, and activities required. The letters are from 1940, 1997, and 2040. He has seized various opportunities throughout his career to contribute, moving from practice leadership and college faculty, to professional organizational staff, and culminating in being a college of pharmacy dean.

His bachelor of science degree in pharmacy is from the University of South Carolina and his doctor of pharmacy and master’s in hospital pharmacy degrees are from the University of Tennessee. He completed a two-year residency at Methodist Hospital in Memphis.

In his letter he states that serving a purpose bigger than ourselves is more important than embellishing your resume.

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If You Don’t Have a Mentor, Get One

Bruce E. Scott

Those who know Bruce will attest to the fact that success has not changed him one bit. He is still the same warm, personable, down-to-earth, and humble person he was when he began his career. An accomplished hospital pharmacy director, business leader, and visionary, Bruce exemplifies all the qualities we expect to see in a successful leader. He rose to executive leadership positions in numerous businesses and was one of the youngest pharmacists elected ASHP president.

Looking back on Bruce’s storied career in pharmacy, it is difficult to imagine that anyone would have been qualified to serve as his mentor. Yet despite his stature in the healthcare community and his many impressive achievements, Bruce acknowledges the important role mentors played in providing guidance and support on his path to success. Mentors helped him understand the importance of learning, encouraged him to develop a vision for his career, and helped him set and achieve his goals. And further, his positive influence as a mentor to scores of others will continue to reverberate through the profession for years to come.

Bruce is currently retired, although he serves on the Board of Directors of various companies and organizations. He has served in executive roles at Allina Hospitals and Clinics, and several healthcare businesses. He earned his bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy and a master of science degree in pharmacy administration from the University of Kansas, where he also completed his pharmacy residency.

His advice to young pharmacists on selecting a mentor is clear: Mentors are invaluable as a sounding board, providing an objective point of view and direction in support of your success.

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It Takes a Team to Create Change

Marialice S. Bennett

Marialice ventured into clinical pharmacy at its inception in the 1970s, learning as she went because clinical education and clinical residencies were just beginning. She was indeed a pioneer and risk taker. Her career has focused on instituting new clinical practices and training residents and pharmacy students. She has continued to be innovative in creating, implementing, and conducting Community and Ambulatory Pharmacy Residency programs as well as cofounding, with a physician, an employee interprofessional wellness health clinic (University Health Connection). Marialice is one of only a few women who have served as president of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA).

She completed her bachelor of science in pharmacy at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy. Marialice is currently Professor Emerita, College of Pharmacy, The Ohio State University, and former Director of the Community and Ambulatory Care Residency Program. She continues to collaborate with both ASHP and APhA to advance community-based practice and residencies.

In her letter she states that there were times it was necessary to ask forgiveness rather than permission in creating a new practice and that it would not have happened if we had followed all the politically correct channels.

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Just How Do You Know When to Make a Job Move?

Roberta M. Barber

When you meet Roberta, you will find an energetic dynamo who encountered and solved the challenges of balancing and integrating a successful leadership career with raising two children as a single parent. While there is not just one way to handle these challenges, she describes the trade-offs—which are so important to take into account—including the things to consider when you feel your job is not working out. Roberta identifies what an appropriate job fit really means.

Roberta completed her bachelor of science and doctor of pharmacy degrees at Union University Albany College of Pharmacy and her master’s of public health at Columbia University’s Joseph Mailman School of Public Health. Roberta is currently Assistant Vice President of Pharmacy Services, Virtua Health System in New Jersey.

In her letter she states, your career may take a winding path; taking the risk and finding the courage to move from one job to another will have you experience great joy, satisfaction, and reward in the journey.

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Learning to Ignore the Lies We Tell Ourselves

Jennifer M. Morris

Jennifer’s compelling energy and excitement for life is obvious in her pharmacy career as well as her governance responsibilities as a former member of the City Council in her community, or in her current role as Chairwoman of the Planning & Zoning Commission for the City of Marion, Iowa. She has a desire to continually “make things better” that is inspirational to all around her.

Jennifer received her doctor of pharmacy degree from The University of Iowa, College of Pharmacy and her MBA from The University of Iowa, Tippie College of Business. She is currently Manager of Ambulatory Care and Pharmacy Clinical Operations and Residency Program Director at Mercy Medical Center, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. She is actively involved in the pharmacy profession through local and national pharmacy organizations. Jennifer has practiced in community and health-system settings with a primary focus on expanding pharmacy practice and improving the care provided to patients in ambulatory settings. Further, as Residency Pharmacy Director, she enjoys the opportunity to help others become their best version of themselves.

It is in the spirit of helping others that Jennifer shares her experience regarding the negative voices, described by some as imposter syndrome, many of us hear during various moments in our careers. Jennifer shares her advice in turning the negative voices to white noise in her letter “Learning to Ignore the Lies We Tell Ourselves.”

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Lessons Learned from Others’ Experiences Enrich Our Lives

Sharon Murphy Enright

Sharon is an extremely creative, innovative, and entrepreneurial pharmacist. She stretches beyond the bounds of pharmacy and healthcare literature and has always thought deeply about where pharmacy needs to go and how she can assist practitioners. Sharon is great at making and seizing learning opportunities and has developed and conducted two start-up education and training businesses—one of which she sold to a major corporation. She is a master at assisting people in applying business and non-pharmacy literature by developing and conducting educational programs for close to 100,000 pharmacists and other healthcare professionals. As course-master and faculty, Sharon was instrumental in developing, implementing, and conducting the yearlong online ASHP Foundation’s Pharmacy Leadership Academy. She is President of EnvisionChange LLC, consulting to practice organizations and emerging businesses on matters of strategy, opportunity, and transformation, but spends an increasing share of her time with her art: fused glass, watercolor, metalworking, and encaustic and alcohol ink creations.

Sharon completed her bachelor of science in pharmacy degree at the University of Connecticut and a master’s of administration, business, and behavioral sciences degree from George Washington University. She completed a residency at Yale–New Haven Hospital and Medical Center and the ASHP Executive Residency. Her letter indicates that since any knowledge has a very short and increasingly limited lifespan, it is only through continued growth and learning that we can continue to contribute. She ends her letter by saying, love your work but don’t make it your life.

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Cover Letters to a Young Pharmacist

Letters to a Young Pharmacist

Even More Sage Advice on Life & Career

Susan A. Cantrell, Sara J. White, and Bruce E. Scott

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Life Is What Happens While You Are Busy Making Other Plans

Debra S. Devereaux

Deb Devereaux approached her career with a well thought-out plan. She selected pharmacy as her career path because it would allow her the opportunity to build on her keen interest in science and the flexibility to raise a family while also pursuing a career. She spent summers working as an intern in various practice settings to determine which would be the best fit for her interests and methodically chose to pursue a business degree to help achieve her goals. Despite the meticulous planning, she readily admits that some other factors converged to influence her career path: personal relationships, her pharmacy colleagues and mentors, and serendipity. In the world of pharmacy, Deb’s career has turned out to be somewhat unusual. Leveraging the skills she developed in hospital pharmacy management and through her MBA training, she has become one of the nation’s experts on pharmacy reimbursement issues and the Medicare Part D benefit.

Deb is currently Principal and Chief Clinical Officer at the Rebellis Group. She received her bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Colorado and a master’s degree in business administration from Regis University. She has been a board-certified ambulatory care pharmacist.

Deb’s advice to young pharmacists is: approach life with a plan and a strong dose of open-mindedness and flexibility, seek out mentors, and help and support others.

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Living with Imposter Syndrome and Knowing That You Belong in the Room

Donald F. Gale

Don spent his career striving to not only make himself the best leader he could be, but to make all those around him the best that they could be. He is a leader that considers mentoring and developing others a personal responsibility. He also places a high value on building and sustaining relationships and developing high performing teams.

Don received his pharmacy degree from Ohio Northern University and has extensive experience in the profession serving in various executive leadership roles. Until recently, Don served as President of ElixirPharmacies, a division of Rite-Aid, serving patients with chronic illnesses through mail and specialty pharmacy services. Previously he served in various leadership roles in the long-term care pharmacy industry.

In his letter, Don addresses the difficult subject of imposter syndrome. He shares his personal journey of understanding thoughts of doubt and arriving at the realization that, yes, he belonged in the room with other very accomplished individuals.

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Love Being Exactly Who You Are

Daniel J. Cobaugh

You will likely leave your first encounter with Dan impressed by the charismatic and sincere person he is. You will find him very engaging and obviously someone who is appropriately confident and comfortable in his own skin. Arriving at his current state of self-confidence and comfort with himself was, however, a long and sometimes challenging journey. In the following letter, Dan explains that his strong belief of being comfortable within your own skin and loving who you are will enhance your enjoyment of life and of your profession, leading you through difficult times.

Dan is vice president of publishing at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) and the editor in chief of the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. Prior to ASHP, Dan had a distinguished practice as Director of the Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center and the Director of Emergency Medicine Research at the University of Rochester Medical Center in Rochester, New York. As Associate Director at the American Association of Poison Control Centers, he implemented the nationwide toll-free number for poison centers. He is also recognized as a Fellow of the American Academy of Clinical Toxicology, a Diplomat of the American Board of Applied Toxicology, and has served as President of the Association of Poison Control Centers of New York State.

He received his bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Pittsburgh and his doctor of pharmacy degree from Duquesne University. Dan completed a residency at Mercy Hospital of Pittsburgh and a clinical toxicology fellowship at the Pittsburgh Poison Center/Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

Any readers who have wondered about their ability to contribute or their “fit” in the profession will find value in Dan’s message: Love being exactly who you are.

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Making Difficult Career Decisions

Michael D. Sanborn

Mike is the leader that every board of directors wants in a senior executive role in their organization. He is the ultimate professional and a great leader with a tremendous ability to develop and execute a strategic vision. Mike’s successful career is a testament to these abilities. His other admired characteristics include his thoughtful and reflective analysis of difficult situations. Thus, the thoughtful approach to making difficult decisions that he shares in his letter is not a surprise to anyone who knows him.

Mike currently serves as the President and CEO for Baylor Scott & White All Saints Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas. His previous experience includes direct patient care and administrative and pharmacy leadership positions in large health systems and academic medical centers. He certainly gives back through his involvement in a number of community and professional activities including serving in leadership roles for the Dallas/Fort Worth Hospital Council, Fort Worth Chamber of Commerce, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Young Adult Oncology Coalition, and others.

He received his bachelor of science and master of science degrees from the University of Kansas where he also completed his residency training in pharmacy administration. He has enjoyed a very successful career and, of course, has faced several crossroads during his career. From those experiences he offers very thoughtful advice: objectively analyze the situation and distill the decision down to the elements that are most important to you.