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Lesson 40: Eagles and Turkeys

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 41: KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes)

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 42: AH HA! A Process for Effecting Change

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 43: Giving to Our Profession and Our Community

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 44: Looking Ahead: Can You Spare a Paradigm?

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 5: Too Much of a Good Thing

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 6: DWYSYWD

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 7: Courage: Real and Counterfeit

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 8: Go Out on a Limb

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Lesson 9: Keeping Our Personal Financial Score

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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Cover Managing & Leading: 44 Lessons Learned for Pharmacists

Managing & Leading: 44 Lessons Learned for Pharmacists

Edited by Paul Bush and Stuart G. Walesh

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ASHP: Its Nature and Place in Pharmacy

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Cover The Conscience of a Pharmacist

The Conscience of a Pharmacist

Essays on Vision and Leadership for a Profession

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Coping with Cost Containment Pressures

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Improving the Image of Pharmacists

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Influencing Drug Use and Costs

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Integrating Clinical Pharmacy into Pharmacy Practice

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Life as a Professional Person

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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The Pharm.D. Debate

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Pharmaceutical Care

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Pharmacists and Patient Safety

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Pharmacists and Pharmaceutical Marketers

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Pharmacy Organizations

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Pharmacy Practice Leadership

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Pharmacy’s Professional Imperative

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Public Policy and Pharmacists

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Reflections on the Larger World

Edited by William A. Zellmer

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Remarkable Pharmacists

Edited by William A. Zellmer