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Chapter 6: F

Edited by Toby Clark and Sara J. White

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Chapter 7: G

Edited by Toby Clark and Sara J. White

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Chapter 8: H

Edited by Toby Clark and Sara J. White

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Chapter 9: I

Edited by Toby Clark and Sara J. White

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Cover Wisdom from the Pharmacy Leadership Trenches

Wisdom from the Pharmacy Leadership Trenches

Edited by Toby Clark and Sara J. White

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Action Steps to Further Your Career

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Activities and Resources

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Additional Reading

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Additional Reading

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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The Appeals and Challenges

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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The Career

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Cover Career Paths in Academic Pharmacy eReport

Career Paths in Academic Pharmacy eReport

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Daily Responsibilities and Activities

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Experiences Related to My Academic Responsibilities

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Experiences Related to My Practice Site

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Perspective I

Zachary Jenkins

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Perspective II

Mate M. Soric

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Perspective III

Timothy R Ulbrich

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Residency Projects

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Resources and Organizations

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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A Typical Day

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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A Typical Day

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Susan P. Bruce, Zachary Jenkins, Janis J. MacKichan, Mate M. Soric, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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The Appeals and Challenges of Residency Training

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Cover Career Paths in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy eReport

Career Paths in Ambulatory Care Pharmacy eReport

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Experiential Rotations

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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How to Further Your Career

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Participation in Specialty Clinics

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Perspective I

Tim R. Brown

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Perspective II

Mary Ann Dzurec

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Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Resources and Organizations

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Resources and Organizations

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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A Typical Day

Edited by Jaclyn Boyle, Tim R. Brown, Cynthia A. Brucato, Mary Ann Dzurec, and Kelsey Rife

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Chapter 1: Professionalism

S. Scott Wisneski and Mate M. Soric

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Chapter 10: Community Pharmacy

Daniel Krinsky and Stacey Schneider

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Chapter 11: Management and Leadership Rotations

Jason Glowczewski

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Chapter 12: Academia

Susan P. Bruce, Dale E. English II, Janis J. MacKichan, and Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Chapter 13: Ambulatory Care

Megan Kaun and Michelle Serres

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Chapter 14: Geriatrics

Carla Bouwmeester and Michael R. Brodeur

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Chapter 15: Starting Your Career

Timothy R. Ulbrich

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Chapter 16: Staying Informed

Steven R. Smith

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Chapter 17: Giving Back: Becoming a Preceptor

Mate M. Soric

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Chapter 2: Medical Terminology and Abbreviations

Katherine M. Cochran and Brandon Mottice

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Chapter 3: Biostatistics

Lawrence A. Frazee and Mate M. Soric

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Chapter 4: Evaluation of Medical Literature and Journal Clubs

Lindsay Davison and Jean Cunningham