If You Don’t Have a Mentor, Get One

in Letters to a Young Pharmacist
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Those who know Bruce will attest to the fact that success has not changed him one bit. He is still the same warm, personable, down-to-earth, and humble person he was when he began his career. An accomplished hospital pharmacy director, business leader, and visionary, Bruce exemplifies all the qualities we expect to see in a successful leader. He rose to executive leadership positions in numerous businesses and was one of the youngest pharmacists elected ASHP president.

Looking back on Bruce’s storied career in pharmacy, it is difficult to imagine that anyone would have been qualified to serve as his mentor. Yet despite his stature in the healthcare community and his many impressive achievements, Bruce acknowledges the important role mentors played in providing guidance and support on his path to success. Mentors helped him understand the importance of learning, encouraged him to develop a vision for his career, and helped him set and achieve his goals. And further, his positive influence as a mentor to scores of others will continue to reverberate through the profession for years to come.

Bruce is currently retired, although he serves on the Board of Directors of various companies and organizations. He has served in executive roles at Allina Hospitals and Clinics, and several healthcare businesses. He earned his bachelor of science degree in pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy and a master of science degree in pharmacy administration from the University of Kansas, where he also completed his pharmacy residency.

His advice to young pharmacists on selecting a mentor is clear: Mentors are invaluable as a sounding board, providing an objective point of view and direction in support of your success.