Just ask Susan and she will tell you that knowing what you want to accomplish coupled with an enthusiastic drive to make it happen will get you a long way down the path of success. Susan’s natural enthusiasm in her work and throughout her life has certainly been a key to her success.
Her pharmacy practice roots are in hospitals where she advanced the practice of pharmacy in hospitals of various sizes. She has served in several pharmacy and hospital administration leadership roles including Vice President and Director, Pharmacy Services, MultiCare Health System, Tacoma and Puyallup, Washington. She has also provided leadership on regulatory matters as Executive Director of the Washington State Board of Pharmacy. Throughout her career she has positively impacted the pharmacy profession in numerous roles and has always been an inspiration in developing residency programs and mentorship of residents. Susan is currently primary faculty for the ASHP Pharmacy Leadership Academy and is an ASHP Consultant. Susan also enjoys giving back to the pharmacy profession through her leadership in state and national pharmacy organizations including serving on the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Board of Directors.
She received her bachelor of science degree from the University of Washington and her master of science degree from The Ohio State University where she also completed her residency in Pharmacy Practice and Administration. Susan tells us: if you are going to advance your career or your cause you need to have enthusiasm.