When you meet Roberta, you will find an energetic dynamo who encountered and solved the challenges of balancing and integrating a successful leadership career with raising two children as a single parent. While there is not just one way to handle these challenges, she describes the trade-offs—which are so important to take into account—including the things to consider when you feel your job is not working out. Roberta identifies what an appropriate job fit really means.
Roberta completed her bachelor of science and doctor of pharmacy degrees at Union University Albany College of Pharmacy and her master’s of public health at Columbia University’s Joseph Mailman School of Public Health. Roberta is currently Assistant Vice President of Pharmacy Services, Virtua Health System in New Jersey.
In her letter she states, your career may take a winding path; taking the risk and finding the courage to move from one job to another will have you experience great joy, satisfaction, and reward in the journey.