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Bonnie Kirschenbaum shares her career and life adventures, which illustrate the “next act” concept with those that were planned and those that were not, tracing her development as she moves along.

Bonnie received her BSc Pharm from the University of Alberta (1971) and completed a residency at Ottawa Civic Hospital (1971-72) (University of Ontario Toronto-affiliated) and her MS and residency at The Ohio State University (1974-76). She received the Latiolais Award in 2015. (The award is presented to a graduate of the hospital-systems pharmacy administration program or an individual involved with the development of these programs who has made significant contributions to institutional pharmacy practice.)

Bonnie firmly believes that it’s so important to find your niche. Hers is the financial side of pharmacy in an institutional healthcare setting and the nuances of reimbursement. She urges you to follow your passion and be happy with what you have chosen to do.