Past Retirement Age—But No Plans to Retire

in Letters for Your Next Act
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When Patti Kienle graduated from pharmacy school, she intended to work in community pharmacy; however, as she was looking for her first pharmacist job, it was clear they didn’t want to hire women. Lucky for us, she found her first job in a hospital where she stayed for 25 years, even as it became a regional health system. However, her system pharmacies then became part of a national pharmacy management company, which opened a corporate Medication Safety Manager position, which enabled her to move into the corporate world where, even though she is beyond her retirement age, she continues to work.

Patti graduated from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science (now the University of the Sciences) in 1975 and received her MPA from Marywood University in Scranton, Pennsylvania in 1983. She completed an Executive Fellowship in Patient Safety from the Medical College of Virginia in 2003.

The keys to being able to ease gracefully into a new position: Groom others for every facet of your responsibilities; delegate what you can; as you are developing skills, accept delegation from others when appropriate; and, be nimble in how you work.