Richard Caldwell shares his practical experiences in answering for himself whether he was financially ready to retire, mentally ready to retire, and to leave his job. He admits that there was also a negative mental connotation to retirement, as it somehow meant he was old. It meant that he was going to stop doing what he had been doing for 40-plus years and do what with his time.
Richard received his Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy education at the University of North Carolina (1979). He completed two residences: one (postgraduate year one [PGY1]) in Chicago and one (PGY2 Administration) with his MS at the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Making the decision to retire is life changing for both you and your family, but my advice is to set financial goals for retirement, retire for the right reasons, and retire when you are ready to go to your next chapter in life. Rely on your family for advice and support, and expect the unexpected.