The Nonsterile Compounding Answer Book

A Guide to Contemporary Best Practices

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List Price: $113.00

Member Price: $87.00

Page Count: 100


The Nonsterile Compounding Answer Book: A Guide to Contemporary Best Practices outlines quality of practice standards for nonsterile compounding by following a nonsterile product from receipt to preparation in a healthcare facility, addressing core elements of USP Chapter <795>. The Q & A approach to this book provides a comprehensive overview and explanation of the requirements and recommendations of USP Chapter <795>, as well as practical advice to ensure best practices.

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    • The Nonsterile Compounding Answer Book (EPUB 859 KB)

The Nonsterile Compounding Answer Book: A Guide to Contemporary Best Practices outlines quality of practice standards for nonsterile compounding by following a nonsterile product from receipt to preparation in a healthcare facility, addressing core elements of USP Chapter <795>. The Q & A approach to this book provides a comprehensive overview and explanation of the requirements and recommendations of USP Chapter <795>, as well as practical advice to ensure best practices.

Essential topics outlined in this book include: 

  • Facility design specification
  • Personnel training and core competencies
  • Suggested approaches for documenting competency
  • Work practices to meet requirements and ensure best practices
  • Guidelines, procedures, and compliance requirements for compounding nonsterile preparations
  • Compounding quality nonsterile preparations
  • Beyond-use dating guidance and training

Patricia C. Kienle, RPh, MPA, BCSCP, FASHP

Patricia C. Kienle is Director, Accreditation and Medication Safety Cardinal Health. She is a known authority on sterile compounding, medication management and safety, accreditation, and regulatory issues. A graduate of the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia and Marywood University in Scranton, PA, Kienle also completed an executive fellowship in patient safety at Virginia Commonwealth University, and serves as Adjunct Associate Professor at Wilkes University. 

Ms. Kienle is a member of the USP Compounding Expert Committee, has served on the Board of Directors of ASHP, and as President of the Pennsylvania Society of Hospital Pharmacists. She has also earned numerous state and national awards acknowledging her expertise in and dedication to hospital pharmacy, including the 2014 ASHP Award for Distinguished Leadership and 2018 ASHP John W. Webb Lecture Award.