Letters from Pharmacy Preceptors

Pearls for Success

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List Price: $37.00 

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Page Count: 136

Letters from Pharmacy Preceptors: Pearls for Success is comprised of 22 letters from award-winning pharmacy preceptors from a wide variety of practice settings and organizations. Led by co-editors Joshua N. Raub, Cathy L. Walker, and Sara J. White, this inspiring compilation draws on the vast experience, knowledge, and expertise from past recipients of the ASHP Foundation’s Pharmacy Residency Excellence Award who have been recognized in their program achievements and leadership in the training of pharmacy residents.

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    • Letters from Pharmacy Preceptors (PDF 4.12 MB)

Letters from Pharmacy Preceptors: Pearls for Success is comprised of 22 letters from award-winning pharmacy preceptors from a wide variety of practice settings and organizations. Led by co-editors Joshua N. Raub, Cathy L. Walker, and Sara J. White, this inspiring compilation draws on the vast experience, knowledge, and expertise from past recipients of the ASHP Foundation’s Pharmacy Residency Excellence Award who have been recognized in their program achievements and leadership in the training of pharmacy residents.

This book is intended to help guide both new and tenured preceptors to further develop their skills as pharmacy educators. This compilation of shared best practices and precepting pearls is derived from the collective experience of precepting over 2,148 residents. 

Topics include:

  • Socratic teaching
  • Creating a teaching philosophy
  • Interdisciplinary involvement of learners
  • Importance of accreditation
  • Avoiding burnout
  • Precepting Millennials
  • Preceptor development plans
  • Simulator training
  • Mentorship
  • Coaching
  • Involving residents in academic courses

Letters from Pharmacy Preceptors joins the ASHP series of personal Letters books created to inspire pharmacists through all stages of their professional journey.

Joshua N. Raub, PharmD, BCPS

Joshua N. Raub is Clinical Pharmacist Specialist?Internal Medicine and Director of the PGY1 Pharmacy Residency Program at Detroit Receiving Hospital & University Health Center, MI. Dr. Raub received his PharmD from the Eugene Applebaum College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Wayne State University in Detroit. After graduation, he completed a PGY1 pharmacy residency at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. 

Dr. Raub is involved with the ASHP Section of Clinical Specialists and Scientists and is a member of the Section Advisory Group for Preceptor Skills Development. He has served as both a CV reviewer for students and residents, and he has been involved in the ASHP Connect Mentor Match program.


Cathy L. Walker, BS Pharm

Cathy L. Walker is Assistant Director, Education and Training, and Residency Program Director, PGY1 Pharmacy, Department of Pharmacy, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD. Walker earned her BS in Pharmacy from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science in 1985. She also completed a pharmacy practice residency at Children's Hospital National Medical Center.


Sara J. White, MS, FASHP

Sara J. White is Director of Pharmacy (Ret.), Stanford University Hospital and Clinics, Palo Alto, CA. She previously served as Associate Director, Director of Clinical Education, and Professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center and School of Pharmacy for 20 years. She graduated from Oregon State University with a Bachelor's degree in Pharmacy. After graduation, White worked at the University of Oregon Medical Center and Emanuel Hospital in Portland for 2 years. She then earned her Master of Science degree at The Ohio State University and completed an ASHP-accredited residency at The Ohio State University Hospitals and Clinics.

Ms. White has served as President of the Greater Kansas City Society of Hospital Pharmacists, Kansas Society of Hospital Pharmacists, and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. She has also served ASHP as Chair of the House of Delegates, a board member, and a council member. She has received multiple awards for her contributions to pharmacy, including the Kansas Hospital Pharmacist of the Year Award, Kansas Pharmacist of the Year Award, Harold N. Godwin Lecture Award, Lambda Kappa Sigma Vanguard Leadership Award, Clifton J. Latiolais Award, John A. Webb Lecture Award, Ohio State Jack L. Beal Postbaccalaureate Award, ASHP Distinguished Leadership Award, and the Harvey A.K. Whitney Lecture Award.