The Pharmacist’s Guide to Opioid Use Disorders

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List Price: $47.00 

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Page Count: 212

The most current information, science, and best practices in one concise guide—divided into 10 chapters, each addressing an important issue and written by a clinician who has expertise in managing patients with opioid use disorders, this unique text provides comprehensive guidance to all aspects of the opioid epidemic, starting with a discussion of the neuroscience of substance use disorders.

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    • The Pharmacist’s Guide to Opioid Use Disorders (EPUB 3.32 MB)
    • The Pharmacist’s Guide to Opioid Use Disorders (PDF 2.88 MB)

A Must-Read for Healthcare Professionals on the Front Lines of the Opioid Epidemic

The Pharmacist’s Guide to Opioid Use Disorders provides comprehensive guidance to all aspects of the opioid epidemic, starting with a discussion of the neuroscience of substance use disorders. 

This text has the most current information, science, and best practices in one concise guide. Divided into 10 chapters, each addressing an important issue and written by a clinician who has expertise in managing patients with opioid use disorders, this unique guide provides healthcare professionals with practical, concrete advice for:

  • Using a patient-friendly screening process
  • Developing brief intervention skills
  • Explaining the various opioid use disorder treatment options
  • Aiding in an opioid overdose rescue
  • Working with pregnant and postpartum women with substance use disorders and their infants
  • And more

Merrill Norton, PharmD, ICCDP-D

Merrill Norton is Clinical Associate Professor, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Athens. He earned his Doctor of Pharmacy degree at the University of Georgia and his International Certified Co-Occurring Disorders Professional–Diplomate (ICCDP-D). 

In 2006, Dr. Norton was awarded the University of Georgia Institute of Continuing Judicial Education Faculty of Excellence Award; in 2005, he received the President’s Award from the Georgia Addiction Counselors Association; and in 1997 and 2004, he received the Distinguished Faculty Award, Southeastern School for Alcohol & Other Drug Studies.



Jeffrey N. Baldwin, PharmD, FAPhA, FASHP, is Professor and Vice-Chair of Pharmacy Practice, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha.

Michael G. O’Neil, PharmD, is Professor and Chair, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Drug Diversion, Substance Abuse; and Pain Management Consultant, South College School of Pharmacy, Knoxville, TN.