Concepts in Pharmacogenomics

Fundamentals and Therapeutic Applications in Personalized Medicine

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Page Count: 520

As the growing field of pharmacogenomics continues to impact daily practice and offer promising new drug therapies, understanding this complex science is critical for all pharmacists—students, residents, and established practitioners. To meet this need, ASHP’s Concepts in Pharmacogenomics has been completely updated for the second edition. Edited by Martin M. Zdanowicz, PhD, MEd, MA, this edition covers both the fundamentals of pharmacogenomics and the latest genomic technologies. Written by pharmacists and geneticists, it not only covers basic science concepts but also includes expanded coverage of therapeutic applications. A clearly written, comprehensive guide to the evolving science of pharmacogenomics, this text can help students and clinicians acquire a deep understanding of this important new scientific field and become current with today’s latest developments.

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As the growing field of pharmacogenomics continues to impact daily practice and offer promising new drug therapies, understanding this complex science is critical for all pharmacists—students, residents, and established practitioners.

To meet this need, ASHP’s Concepts in Pharmacogenomics has been completely updated for the second edition. Edited by Martin M. Zdanowicz, PhD, MEd, MA, this edition covers both the fundamentals of pharmacogenomics and the latest genomic technologies. 

Written by pharmacists and geneticists, it not only covers basic science concepts but also includes expanded coverage of therapeutic applications. Each chapter features key definitions, case studies, and clinical pearls, with figures and summary tables to further support learning. 

New in this edition:

  • Updated methodologies such as next generation sequencing
  • Advances in therapeutic applications
  • Expanded use of point-of-care genetic testing
  • Role of pharmacogenomics in the individualization of chemotherapy
  • New chapters on pharmacogenomics of drug addiction and antidiabetic drugs

A clearly written, comprehensive guide to the evolving science of pharmacogenomics, the second edition can help students and clinicians acquire a deep understanding of this important new scientific field and become current with today’s latest developments.

Martin M. Zdanowicz, PhD, MEd, MA

Martin Zdanowicz serves as the Dean of the KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences and the Henry E. Riggs School of Applied Life Sciences. He was originally hired as the Dean of the KGI School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in 2019, and also assumed leadership of the Henry E. Riggs School of Applied Life Sciences in 2020.

Prior to arriving at KGI in 2019, Dr. Zdanowicz served as the Associate Dean for Health Studies at the University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies, where he oversaw programs in public health, health science, and informatics.

Zdanowicz received a Bachelor of Science in Biology from NYU-Polytechnic, a Master of Arts in Biology/Physiology from SUNY Binghamton, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (Pharmacology) from St. John’s University. While completing his Doctorate, Zdanowicz spent 12 years working as a research scientist at North Shore University Hospital-Cornell Medical College in the area of endocrinology and metabolism.

In 1996, he assumed a full-time faculty appointment with the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences (MCPHS) and served as Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Director of Graduate Studies. After 8 years at MCPHS, Dr. Zdanowicz moved to the South University School of Pharmacy in Savannah, GA, where he served as Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences. He was promoted to full Professor in 2008, with his teaching areas including pharmacology, pathophysiology, and pharmacogenomics. Zdanowicz received the Trustee’s Award for Teaching Excellence and was voted Pharmacy Teacher of the Year six times by students at two institutions. He also received the Teacher of the Year Award in 2015 from the School of Nursing and Health Studies at the University of Miami.

His current research interests include pharmacogenomics, drug addiction, curriculum development, and active learning techniques. Dr. Zdanowicz holds membership in a number of professional societies. He has also published numerous peer-reviewed articles and four textbooks.

“The book is thorough in presenting the fundamentals of the science without being overwhelming, and the application sections are very practical and user friendly.”

Patrick J. McDonnell, PharmD, Doody's Review Service, 2017


The Pharmaceutical Journal 3 AUG 2017 

By Laurence A. Goldberg

The first edition of this book, published in 2010, set out to give the readers an understanding of the potential impact that pharmacogenomics would have on the practice of pharmacy. This new edition contains updates on current and next-generation genomic technologies that will be used to identify new drug targets and improve overall drug safety. The emphasis is on the role that pharmacogenomics plays in the individualisation of cancer chemotherapy and the future development of new cancer drug targets. Two new chapters cover the pharmacogenomics of drug addiction and drugs used to treat diabetes.

The book is divided into three parts. The first looks at the basic science involved in pharmacogenomics, with a focus on methodologies, as well as the general effects of genetic variability on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drug therapy. The second part presents a system-based review of current pharmacogenomic applications in clinical practice, while the third focuses on relevant topics designed to give the readers a background on the impact that pharmacogenomics will have on the patient, the pharmacist and healthcare in general.

‘Concepts in pharmacogenomics’ incorporates a number of features designed to enhance its usefulness. At the beginning of each chapter, learning objectives are set out. Key definitions follow to ensure that readers are clear on the meaning of certain important words before they delve into the chapter. This is important because many of these words may be new to the readers. Chapters also contain case studies to illustrate key issues and ‘clinical pearls’ to emphasise important concepts and clinical applications.

The chapters have been written by individuals who use, teach or have a thorough understanding of pharmacogenomics and the impact it has on their area of expertise. They are written in a simple, clear and organised style, at a level that will be of use to pharmacists practising in any area of the profession, with varying levels of knowledge about pharmacogenomics.

Many summary tables and figures supplement the text. At first sight, some of these seem to be extremely complex but by repeated referral to the text, they become much clearer. Each chapter is well referenced with, for example, the chapter on the pharmacogenetics of drug metabolism citing 330 papers.

Pharmacists who read this book will appreciate that their qualifications and training make them ideally suited for playing a leading role in bringing this discipline into mainstream clinical practice.